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Understanding Depression in the Elderly

Depression is a condition that affects individuals of all ages, but its occurrence regardless of the age onset is not part of the normal development/aging process. This reality is especially true for the older population for whom depression is usually confusing and associated with growing old.

The predominant societal understanding of seniors is to equate growing old with the general decline in physical abilities (getting frail and suffering from various medical conditions), psychological contentment (feeling unproductive and purposeless, experiencing grief and bereavement over the loss of spouses and friends, as well as roles and status changes within society), and social activities (isolation and loneliness, retirement, and reduced social interactions).

These problems can lead to the fatalistic impression that nothing can be done to help seniors with these common issues. However, without a strong mental health status the normal process of aging is not possible and because depression is not a natural sequence in the aging process, it becomes a painful and debilitating experience that if left untreated, is associated with high co-morbidity (the likelihood of developing additional mental or physical conditions) and high mortality (it accounts for a high rate of suicide in seniors age 65 and older, especially for older Caucasian men).

Depression, as a mental health condition and diagnosis, is characterized by symptoms such as profound and persistent feelings of sadness and despair, guilt, worthlessness, helplessness, hopelessness, pessimism, irritability, restlessness, loss of interest in things that were pleasurable in the past, as well as appetite and sleep disturbance that all come together to affect the individual's quality of life. This differs from the common understanding of depression which is usually associated with feeling down or sad and lacking energy. At times, feeling down is normal and is not necessarily a sign that a clinical condition, such depression, is present. If these feelings persist and interfere with the ability to function normally, than depression becomes a real concern.

Unfortunately, depression may not manifest itself through classic symptoms and be camouflaged in behaviors that can be easily mistaken for other mental health conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Seniors may become more confused or forgetful than normal, take medication inconsistently or stop taking it all together, fail to eat properly, have poor personal hygiene, withdraw from family and friends, neglect caring for the environment in which they live, and excessively worry or become preoccupied with being sick and complaining of physical discomfort and symptoms. Another possible clue that a senior is suffering from depression is demonstrating a lack of feelings or emotional reactions.

To complicate matters even more, depression might be confused for other mental or physical conditions common among this age group. Therefore, establishing whether depression is the primary disorder (not being associated with or caused by any other condition), or a secondary disorder attributed to other possible health issues, has different clinical and treatment connotations. Also, medication taken to treat other health conditions or diseases can carry the risk of causing depression as a side-effect.

Whether depression is a problem on its own or a symptom of other health conditions, it represents a serious concern for the quality of life of the older population. It is a condition that affects, limits, and even abruptly interrupts the normal aging process, and burdens the life of the elderly individual and of those within their social support system.
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