Article Marketing - How to Write Multiple Articles Easily That Will Generate Higher Page Views
Being productive is very important to an article marketer.
If you don't write and publish articles on a daily basis, your traffic levels and sales will suffer.
Here is how you can write multiple articles that will generate more page views with ease.
Tip 1: Choose different keywords in use in article titles.
Tip 2: Write about different ideas and topics.
Tip 3: Focus on 1 single category at a time.
Tip 1: Choose different keywords in use in article titles.
Visit an expert author's profile page and browse through the article titles.
What do you observe? I can see tons of articles being written with almost the same article titles.
If you want more traffic, try to use different keywords in the titles.
Tip 2: Write about different ideas and topics.
Instead of focusing on keywords, you can also let ideas guide you in your article writing.
Ideas can come to you at any time.
On good days, you find that you never run out of ideas to write about.
Writing about different ideas allow you to use different keywords subconsciously.
You are not even aware that you are using vastly different titles! Tip 3: Focus on 1 single category at a time.
To create articles quickly, try to focus on 1 category at a time.
For instance, once you get started on a branding article, you usually find that other ideas related to branding arise very quickly in your mind.
Don't stop the momentum.
Start writing the next article immediately after completing the first one.
When on the roll, you can easily write 15 to 20 articles per day.
At times, I can even hit 30 to 40 articles.
That's the power of focus.
If you don't write and publish articles on a daily basis, your traffic levels and sales will suffer.
Here is how you can write multiple articles that will generate more page views with ease.
Tip 1: Choose different keywords in use in article titles.
Tip 2: Write about different ideas and topics.
Tip 3: Focus on 1 single category at a time.
Tip 1: Choose different keywords in use in article titles.
Visit an expert author's profile page and browse through the article titles.
What do you observe? I can see tons of articles being written with almost the same article titles.
If you want more traffic, try to use different keywords in the titles.
Tip 2: Write about different ideas and topics.
Instead of focusing on keywords, you can also let ideas guide you in your article writing.
Ideas can come to you at any time.
On good days, you find that you never run out of ideas to write about.
Writing about different ideas allow you to use different keywords subconsciously.
You are not even aware that you are using vastly different titles! Tip 3: Focus on 1 single category at a time.
To create articles quickly, try to focus on 1 category at a time.
For instance, once you get started on a branding article, you usually find that other ideas related to branding arise very quickly in your mind.
Don't stop the momentum.
Start writing the next article immediately after completing the first one.
When on the roll, you can easily write 15 to 20 articles per day.
At times, I can even hit 30 to 40 articles.
That's the power of focus.