Eating disorders and substance abuse in youngsters
Eating disorders and substance abuse are some common problems among the youngsters. One of the most common disorders is anorexia nervosa that is characterized by uncontrolled and abnormal eating behavior, psychological problems and excessive concerns over one's body weight or image. The fear that they are gaining more weight or having a distorted body shape makes them to take severe extreme steps like vomiting, purging and laxative abuse to get rid of the foods. This disorder is actually is a kind of disorder where the person has an obsession for perfectionism with regard to the body. People with this disorder should be given appropriate anorexia nervosa treatment to prevent complications.
The disorder is believed to be more common in women than in men because in most of the industrialized countries, people expect women to be thin if they should be considered as attractive. These days, men too are getting affected by this notion and falling prey to it. When people are affected by eating disorders and substance abuse, they have a lot of mental problems like anxiety and depression etc. They even exhibit obsessive-compulsive behavior. If proper anorexia nervosa treatment is not provided on time, it can lead to other complicated and life-threatening situations.
The most common sign of this disorder is weight loss. People suffering from this disorder have a special liking for food. They smuggle different kinds of foods into their room and eat them in private. After eating the food, they have a sense of guilt and indulge in purging to get rid of the foods. Most common methods are vomiting and laxative abuse. The disorder is similar to bulimia in certain ways.
Some of the physical signs that indicate this disorder are absence or scanty menstrual periods, excessive weight loss, dry skin, thinning hair, brittle nails, swollen or cold feet and hands, low blood pressure, osteoporosis, fatigue, upset or bloated stomach, abnormal heart rhythms and downy hair all over the body. If you find these signs in anyone close to you, you have to look out for other signs and take the necessary action immediately. People with eating disorders and substance abuse should be given medical immediately to prevent them from other complications. Consult a professional who can provide you with the right treatment. The anorexia nervosa treatment involves some changes in the lifestyle of the person. Stick to the treatment and get cured to lead a normal life.
The disorder is believed to be more common in women than in men because in most of the industrialized countries, people expect women to be thin if they should be considered as attractive. These days, men too are getting affected by this notion and falling prey to it. When people are affected by eating disorders and substance abuse, they have a lot of mental problems like anxiety and depression etc. They even exhibit obsessive-compulsive behavior. If proper anorexia nervosa treatment is not provided on time, it can lead to other complicated and life-threatening situations.
The most common sign of this disorder is weight loss. People suffering from this disorder have a special liking for food. They smuggle different kinds of foods into their room and eat them in private. After eating the food, they have a sense of guilt and indulge in purging to get rid of the foods. Most common methods are vomiting and laxative abuse. The disorder is similar to bulimia in certain ways.
Some of the physical signs that indicate this disorder are absence or scanty menstrual periods, excessive weight loss, dry skin, thinning hair, brittle nails, swollen or cold feet and hands, low blood pressure, osteoporosis, fatigue, upset or bloated stomach, abnormal heart rhythms and downy hair all over the body. If you find these signs in anyone close to you, you have to look out for other signs and take the necessary action immediately. People with eating disorders and substance abuse should be given medical immediately to prevent them from other complications. Consult a professional who can provide you with the right treatment. The anorexia nervosa treatment involves some changes in the lifestyle of the person. Stick to the treatment and get cured to lead a normal life.