Home Remedy for a Dog's Eye
- An important aspect in resolving an eye infection is washing, or flushing, the eye to remove bacteria or discharge. Not only will flushes cleanse your dog's eye, they will also help to heal the eye. This can be done with an herbal or all-natural solution. Cleanse your dog's eyes with either calendula, chamomile, rosemary or eyebright tea at the first sign of discomfort or infection, according to the holistic dog-care website Organic-pet-digest.com.
You can also make an eye flush by adding 1/4 tsp. salt to 1 cup filtered or distilled water and adding 10 drops of either red clover, eyebright, calendula, chamomile or St. John's wort tincture, according to Natural-dog-health-remedies.com. Apply this wash to your dog's eye with a pipette two to three times daily. - Along with herbal flushes, Natural-dog-health-remedies.com suggests adding vitamins C and E to your dog's diet to reduce inflammation. Both vitamins are dosed at 5 to 10 mg per pound of your dog's weight. Administer the vitamin C two to three times daily and the vitamin E once a day. Also apply one drop of cod liver oil daily to the affected eye until the conjunctivitis has resolved.
Applying a compress to your dog's eye may also help to clear up the infection. Soak a piece of sterile cotton in an herbal tea, such as chamomile, and hold it against your dog's eye for a few minutes two or three times a day. Use a new piece of cotton each time you apply the compress. Prevent your dog from scratching or pawing at his eye. Excessive scratching at the eye can cause serious damage.
Take your dog to the veterinarian if she is lethargic, not eating, won't open her eyes, has an eye problem due to trauma, has a thick or bloody eye discharge or her eye seems to be getting worse despite treatment. - Homeopathic practitioners believe that the eyes are gateways into the overall health of an animal. Therefore, if there is an infection in the eye, it may be an indicator that there are also issues elsewhere in the body. To maintain your dog's overall good health, feed him a high-quality, all-natural diet that contains plenty of fresh ingredients. Vegetables, carrots, parsley, sesame and sunflower seeds and purple or blue berries are all good for eye health. In addition, keeping your dog's eyes clean by rinsing them can also prevent future infections.