Connection Between Adrenal Glands, Thyroid Glands and Weight Gain
There is a connection between adrenal glands, thyroid glands and weight gain.
When these two glands are not kept in a healthy state, the result most often will be weight gain.
On the other hand, if you keep these two glands healthy and feed them with the proper nutrition, it can lead to a natural weight loss.
These two glands are very closely connected in how they enable the body to function properly.
The adrenals are small triangular shaped glands that or near the top of both kidneys.
These small glands are affected by hormone levels and especially by the hormone cortisol.
Cortisol is a hormone that your adrenals release, usually in response to stress.
That is why cortisol is called the stress hormone.
In addition, the adrenal glands will produce small amounts of estrogen when the ovaries decline and the woman enters into menopause.
Some symptoms of adrenal gland exhaustion are: 1.
Extreme fatigue 2.
Inability to sleep 3.
Decreased ability to handle stress 4.
Low blood sugar 5.
Craving for salty and sweet food 6.
Having more energy at night instead of in the morning 7.
Confused or murky thinking 8.
Pain in your joints 9.
Poor digestion 10.
Lowered immunities 11.
PMS and other menstrual problems 12.
Consistent low blood pressure 13.
Hair loss The thyroid, located near the front center of your throat on each side of your esophagus, just above the collar bone, is a gland that reacts to the hormone cortisol also.
This gland performs many functions to regulate hormones.
When it is not up to par, it can begin to keep you in a state of being hypothyroid.
You will exhibit all the symptoms of a low functioning thyroid which can be similar to adrenal gland exhaustion.
Hypothyroid testing may come back as normal even though you are definitely showing signs for it.
Hypothyroidism leads to weight gain.
If your thyroid testing comes back normal, you should ask your doctor to test your adrenal gland functioning.
The connection between adrenal glands, thyroid glands and weight gain can be overlooked by some doctors.
There are many herbs and vitamins that can feed the thyroid gland naturally.
There is even a product called Thyromine on the market that is composed of all the helpful herbs and other nutrients that can adequately nourish the adrenal glands and thyroid glands.
Once people nourish these glands and get them built back up to normal functioning, they will begin to lose weight naturally.
To maintain a healthy weight, maintain healthy glands.
Bryant is an experience blogger and writer on health products and healthy diets.
When these two glands are not kept in a healthy state, the result most often will be weight gain.
On the other hand, if you keep these two glands healthy and feed them with the proper nutrition, it can lead to a natural weight loss.
These two glands are very closely connected in how they enable the body to function properly.
The adrenals are small triangular shaped glands that or near the top of both kidneys.
These small glands are affected by hormone levels and especially by the hormone cortisol.
Cortisol is a hormone that your adrenals release, usually in response to stress.
That is why cortisol is called the stress hormone.
In addition, the adrenal glands will produce small amounts of estrogen when the ovaries decline and the woman enters into menopause.
Some symptoms of adrenal gland exhaustion are: 1.
Extreme fatigue 2.
Inability to sleep 3.
Decreased ability to handle stress 4.
Low blood sugar 5.
Craving for salty and sweet food 6.
Having more energy at night instead of in the morning 7.
Confused or murky thinking 8.
Pain in your joints 9.
Poor digestion 10.
Lowered immunities 11.
PMS and other menstrual problems 12.
Consistent low blood pressure 13.
Hair loss The thyroid, located near the front center of your throat on each side of your esophagus, just above the collar bone, is a gland that reacts to the hormone cortisol also.
This gland performs many functions to regulate hormones.
When it is not up to par, it can begin to keep you in a state of being hypothyroid.
You will exhibit all the symptoms of a low functioning thyroid which can be similar to adrenal gland exhaustion.
Hypothyroid testing may come back as normal even though you are definitely showing signs for it.
Hypothyroidism leads to weight gain.
If your thyroid testing comes back normal, you should ask your doctor to test your adrenal gland functioning.
The connection between adrenal glands, thyroid glands and weight gain can be overlooked by some doctors.
There are many herbs and vitamins that can feed the thyroid gland naturally.
There is even a product called Thyromine on the market that is composed of all the helpful herbs and other nutrients that can adequately nourish the adrenal glands and thyroid glands.
Once people nourish these glands and get them built back up to normal functioning, they will begin to lose weight naturally.
To maintain a healthy weight, maintain healthy glands.
Bryant is an experience blogger and writer on health products and healthy diets.