Contemplating Buying Network Marketing Leads? Study This First
If you are considering buying mlm leads lists then its highly likely that have run out of a warm market to talk to about your business.
Purchasing leads is not necessarily the best decision. You could quite likely end up getting less than expected results from your purchase. Whenever I have spoken to an MLM marketer who has bought lead lists before, they have always ended up out of pocket and annoyed.
Most of the companies selling these lists are not really that bothered about your conversion rates, and their leads are probably not particularly targeted. Many of these leads are from ex downlines and others are from loosely targeted questionnaires that may have been completed online or even offline.
Given the nature of these lead lists, it's fair to say that you will experience a lot of resistance to whatever it is that you are selling. No one will have heard of you before, there has been no pre-sell, it's not a good start to the recruitment process. It's still possible to get results from cold calling, I know people that have successfully done it, but the conversion rates are never that great.
Do you even want to be sitting on the phone all day calling unqualified prospects about your Network Marketing business? You might as well get a tele-canvassing job!
How can we avoid lead lists then?
It's pretty simple. Generate your own leads online.
If you're a strictly offline marketer then this may surprise you, but there's an almost unlimited supply of leads on the internet. There are so many hungry prospects online, folks looking for a decent business opportunity, plus those who are already involved in the industry and looking for ways to take their business to the next level. By positioning yourself correctly, you can have a share of all that traffic.
If you really want to, you can follow a simple blueprint and be generating 10-50 leads each and every day for your business without too much difficulty, you just need to take action.
It will depend on how much money you want to spend (if any) but there are plenty of methods to create a lead flow. You can use paid marketing methods such as PPC, media buys of PPV and be getting leads coming into your sales funnel within an hour or so. If you don't have a lot of money to spend, there are also almost zero cost methods to generating leads, article marketing for example is very effective but won't cost you any money, only your time.
I personally use content marketing for my business, there was only a small initial outlay for software (that does most of the work for me) and a few weeks of consistent effort. With content marketing you are producing content (articles, videos, audios etc..) that provide value to the end user. For maximum effect you should then syndicate it to as many other websites as possible. Not only does this generate a lot of traffic which turns into leads and profit, but it will also give you a presence in the industry and you will be viewed as an expert by your prospects which is very important.
This is also a method that will keep working for you all the time, unlike paid marketing where the traffic stops the moment you stop paying.
If you want to see an increase in your traffic and lead flow then make a pact with yourself to create one new piece of content every day for the next 100 days.
Using this strategy there is no reason to ever be short on leads again!
Purchasing leads is not necessarily the best decision. You could quite likely end up getting less than expected results from your purchase. Whenever I have spoken to an MLM marketer who has bought lead lists before, they have always ended up out of pocket and annoyed.
Most of the companies selling these lists are not really that bothered about your conversion rates, and their leads are probably not particularly targeted. Many of these leads are from ex downlines and others are from loosely targeted questionnaires that may have been completed online or even offline.
Given the nature of these lead lists, it's fair to say that you will experience a lot of resistance to whatever it is that you are selling. No one will have heard of you before, there has been no pre-sell, it's not a good start to the recruitment process. It's still possible to get results from cold calling, I know people that have successfully done it, but the conversion rates are never that great.
Do you even want to be sitting on the phone all day calling unqualified prospects about your Network Marketing business? You might as well get a tele-canvassing job!
How can we avoid lead lists then?
It's pretty simple. Generate your own leads online.
If you're a strictly offline marketer then this may surprise you, but there's an almost unlimited supply of leads on the internet. There are so many hungry prospects online, folks looking for a decent business opportunity, plus those who are already involved in the industry and looking for ways to take their business to the next level. By positioning yourself correctly, you can have a share of all that traffic.
If you really want to, you can follow a simple blueprint and be generating 10-50 leads each and every day for your business without too much difficulty, you just need to take action.
It will depend on how much money you want to spend (if any) but there are plenty of methods to create a lead flow. You can use paid marketing methods such as PPC, media buys of PPV and be getting leads coming into your sales funnel within an hour or so. If you don't have a lot of money to spend, there are also almost zero cost methods to generating leads, article marketing for example is very effective but won't cost you any money, only your time.
I personally use content marketing for my business, there was only a small initial outlay for software (that does most of the work for me) and a few weeks of consistent effort. With content marketing you are producing content (articles, videos, audios etc..) that provide value to the end user. For maximum effect you should then syndicate it to as many other websites as possible. Not only does this generate a lot of traffic which turns into leads and profit, but it will also give you a presence in the industry and you will be viewed as an expert by your prospects which is very important.
This is also a method that will keep working for you all the time, unlike paid marketing where the traffic stops the moment you stop paying.
If you want to see an increase in your traffic and lead flow then make a pact with yourself to create one new piece of content every day for the next 100 days.
Using this strategy there is no reason to ever be short on leads again!