Home Equity Questions & Answers
Home equity on a house remunerated beside change?
Hello. Were looking to buy a home. And pay in full near cash. Will we gain home equity faster that way? Equity is newly the difference between the value of the home and any mortgages. $0 debt = 100% equity. If you do not know the answer to your request...
"Fed Cuts Key Interest Rate" Why does this not affect my mutable rate home equity mortgage?
Your loan's rate is not tied to the Fed Rate. Yu can call the bank servicing your loan and fired out what your rate is tied to. They will pass you 2 things: 1. Index = this is what the rate is tied to...
100k of home equity to invest....how would you invest it?
I pay 6.8% in interest on my mortgage and I would resembling to invest some of my equity. Given this situation, how would you invest it? It is invested... Do not pull it I would NOT use the equity surrounded by your home for any investment purpose. Keep the...
125% of your homes equity? ?
What does this mean exactly? Can someone give me a number scenerio? Does Virginia give this? I know Texas does. Thanks The bank would loan you 25K against you in that scenario if you owed 100K on the property wouldn't they? Basically, if your home is worth $100,000; the dune loans you $125,000.
1st home purchase: How to buy beside mortgage or equity smudge? I'm a learner next to PERFECT CREDIT. Help!?
Can someone please spell out the steps to purchasing my first home? I'm 22 with perfect credit. What are the steps and the "tricks of the trade"? Thanks! I do know that near are some programs to help a first time home...
2 question on how to nouns a 2nd property w/equity from existing home using a blanket mortgage?
1) I'm interested in learning the best bearing to purchase a second property, possibly at sheriff sale, using part of (40% ?) the equity surrounded by my primary residence (which I recently paid off) so I don't own to liquidate as much stock to...
20% Gift Equity Second Home?
I am a mortgage broker. I am looking for a lender that will do a gift equity purchase (80% LTV) on a Second Home not a Primary. If so, please post their info below. doc type? FICO? just stick beside your own home thats how you;ll save 8.000 dollars so stick with your dated home mon...
A friend$300,000 equity within the house but 560 credit rack up son will engineer home equity is it possible?
It would help if you write your question surrounded by English. If you are asking is it possible to obtain a home equity loan on a home with $300,000 of equity, the answer is yes because the house secure the loan....
A give somebody the third degree for mortgage brokers on the subject of home equity?
I own a condo. Can I take out a home equity loan on that condo to make the down contribution on a new property? If so, what happens when I get rid of the condo? Since at that point I believe I have to pay stale...
A give somebody the third degree in the order of Home Equity and buying out my ex after a divorce?
My house is currently appraised at 240,000 and of this $60,000 is equity. In calculating the buyout amount I am doing the following: Equity = 60,000 Realtor's commission if we sell = 6% of selling price: 14,400 Net...
A home splash of equity of $150,000, contained by which $110,000 have be used, how would I total interest rewarded?
I realize in 2008 there is a home equity decrease of $100,000 that you can use to write off interest on. Is there a special formula to cut stale the interest paid on the extra $10,000? Very interested to know how...
A home worth $123,000 and a mortgage of $72, 400 would own what equity?
a home worth $123,000 and a mortgage of $72, 400 would have what equity? and also.. A home will an assessed value of $178,000 beside a tax rate of $52 per $1,000 would have a property duty bill of what? thanks ...
A prior renter within our home who remunerated some (not all) rent is threatening to sue for equity. Is this possible?
An ex girlfriend of my fiancee's lived in his home (which he has the title for) for approx. 1 year. She have since been evicted and is threatening to sue us for the equity in the home. When she be...
A query roughly speaking home equity?
My fiance's grandmother passed away a few months ago and her house was left to my fiance & his brother. We are going to move into this house and try to take a home equity loan to pay his brother his half of the inheritance (instead of him getting money from selling the house). However,...
Ability of using equity to nouns down deposit on latest home?
Hi Everyone. I have a substantial amount of equity in one of my homes, and am looking to purchase a second home sometime surrounded by the summer. I do not have money for a down payment, however, I do own more than enough for closing costs. I was...
About 3 yrs ago I took out a Home equity stripe of credit for home improvements. ?
I have very little moved out from this loan, and I guess I have no equity now. The nouns charges are high, even with the rate coming down because of the discount. Should I refinance now jsut to get rid of the loan charges?...
Adding equity to your home?
My driveway is dirt and gravel. I'd like to lay concrete and pave it. Will that increase the equity in my home? By how much, do you suppose?? Also, I'd like to add any a front or back porch to the house. Will that increase? The reason I ask is because I'd close to to get...
Advice nearly equity within house and buying another home?
i have a house in the uk next to a mortgage i bought ten years ago for lb150,000 i owe approximately lb124,000 (not accurate) Before all this recent credit crunch it was valued at lb500,000 but i tried to trade it but dispite continually reducing the price i had to withdraw it...
Advice on home equity please?
I own my home, I am single and am a youngish retiree! I would like to do a lot of things, similar to travel, get involved in projects I enjoy a passion for before I am too aged to enjoy the rewards. I have a few nieces and nephews that I would similar to...
After my collapse is discharged, can my creditors collect on the equity within my home?
My wife and I are in bankruptcy but it is give or take a few to be discharged. Since we had less than $30,000 within equity in our home, we were allowed to preserve our home. We are considering selling our home to move closer to...
Am I entitled to the equity accrue while purchasing a home on ground contract for the later six years?
Purchased home 6 yrs. ago and the land contract period is culmination. I am not able to acquire a mortgage on this property now that balloon costs is due. I got behind on payments to the territory contract holder since...
Am I obligated to wages past its sell-by date a second mortgate(home equity smudge of credit contained by $100K)in situation beside foreclosure?
This is my second house, which I was trying to sell for one year, and cannot afford to pay cheque any longer. I plan to take a home equity line of credit for $100K+ and prohibit to pay any...
Americans Now Have Less than 50% Equity within their Homes. Is that Because Lots of People Bought Big Homes?
Or did people take out seriously of home equity loans and spend it on things other than their house? This is because people in times past used their home (when values were rising rapidly) as their personal atm machine. ...
Any banks/lenders who will refi a home equity stripe on a modular home?
We have a modular home (pre-built), in UT, and own a variable HELOC and want to change it to a fixed rate but no hill around here will do it because it is a modular home. It's on a foundation, 5 years old, we owe about $75K...
Any home lenders agreement beside mobile homes for home equity or lines of credit?
Lines of credit are most often handled by your hill. A mortgage lender will usually not do this. It depends on the mobile. If it is in a park, then the come to rest underneath it is rented and your real...
Any hope beside gloomy equity contained by my home and have need of to put up for sale?
I have two mortgages on my home in the Northern VA nouns. 1st is an ARM that reset at the end of 2007, and again last month. The combined payments are $3200 (w/o escrow) and is really difficult to make. ...
Anybody know this??what is equity release?i do know you can release some of worth of your home but is 34 too?
young or do you have to be over 60yrs?also if you enjoy a mortgage do your payments go up if you release some of your homes value by taking brass from the company or do they only take the payments...
Anyone hear of Equity Sharing for purchasing a home??
Only in your previous question asking for someone to invest $250k surrounded by the "upscale Bergen County Community". I'm all ears! What is Equity Sharing for purchasing a home? Do you know? Source(s): Always willing to swot up more!
Anyone know of a lawful source for debt consolidation, in need using home equity?
Try prosper.com Call the American Consumer Counseling Center - unlike a lot of those "debt solution" places, this is a non-profit and won't take your money. They can administer you some great counseling and advise you on the best options for your fastidious situation. American...
Anyone know the best ways to put equity into your home?
Find the best neighborhood in your area. Then, try to find someone contained by a situation that forces them to move immediately. (I.E. job relocation, facing foreclosure,divorce, lost of job) Make them a proffer lower than their asking price. In most cases that's instant equity. Good luck. ...
More Home Equityquestions please visit : RefinanceFreeFAQ.com
Hello. Were looking to buy a home. And pay in full near cash. Will we gain home equity faster that way? Equity is newly the difference between the value of the home and any mortgages. $0 debt = 100% equity. If you do not know the answer to your request...
"Fed Cuts Key Interest Rate" Why does this not affect my mutable rate home equity mortgage?
Your loan's rate is not tied to the Fed Rate. Yu can call the bank servicing your loan and fired out what your rate is tied to. They will pass you 2 things: 1. Index = this is what the rate is tied to...
100k of home equity to invest....how would you invest it?
I pay 6.8% in interest on my mortgage and I would resembling to invest some of my equity. Given this situation, how would you invest it? It is invested... Do not pull it I would NOT use the equity surrounded by your home for any investment purpose. Keep the...
125% of your homes equity? ?
What does this mean exactly? Can someone give me a number scenerio? Does Virginia give this? I know Texas does. Thanks The bank would loan you 25K against you in that scenario if you owed 100K on the property wouldn't they? Basically, if your home is worth $100,000; the dune loans you $125,000.
1st home purchase: How to buy beside mortgage or equity smudge? I'm a learner next to PERFECT CREDIT. Help!?
Can someone please spell out the steps to purchasing my first home? I'm 22 with perfect credit. What are the steps and the "tricks of the trade"? Thanks! I do know that near are some programs to help a first time home...
2 question on how to nouns a 2nd property w/equity from existing home using a blanket mortgage?
1) I'm interested in learning the best bearing to purchase a second property, possibly at sheriff sale, using part of (40% ?) the equity surrounded by my primary residence (which I recently paid off) so I don't own to liquidate as much stock to...
20% Gift Equity Second Home?
I am a mortgage broker. I am looking for a lender that will do a gift equity purchase (80% LTV) on a Second Home not a Primary. If so, please post their info below. doc type? FICO? just stick beside your own home thats how you;ll save 8.000 dollars so stick with your dated home mon...
A friend$300,000 equity within the house but 560 credit rack up son will engineer home equity is it possible?
It would help if you write your question surrounded by English. If you are asking is it possible to obtain a home equity loan on a home with $300,000 of equity, the answer is yes because the house secure the loan....
A give somebody the third degree for mortgage brokers on the subject of home equity?
I own a condo. Can I take out a home equity loan on that condo to make the down contribution on a new property? If so, what happens when I get rid of the condo? Since at that point I believe I have to pay stale...
A give somebody the third degree in the order of Home Equity and buying out my ex after a divorce?
My house is currently appraised at 240,000 and of this $60,000 is equity. In calculating the buyout amount I am doing the following: Equity = 60,000 Realtor's commission if we sell = 6% of selling price: 14,400 Net...
A home splash of equity of $150,000, contained by which $110,000 have be used, how would I total interest rewarded?
I realize in 2008 there is a home equity decrease of $100,000 that you can use to write off interest on. Is there a special formula to cut stale the interest paid on the extra $10,000? Very interested to know how...
A home worth $123,000 and a mortgage of $72, 400 would own what equity?
a home worth $123,000 and a mortgage of $72, 400 would have what equity? and also.. A home will an assessed value of $178,000 beside a tax rate of $52 per $1,000 would have a property duty bill of what? thanks ...
A prior renter within our home who remunerated some (not all) rent is threatening to sue for equity. Is this possible?
An ex girlfriend of my fiancee's lived in his home (which he has the title for) for approx. 1 year. She have since been evicted and is threatening to sue us for the equity in the home. When she be...
A query roughly speaking home equity?
My fiance's grandmother passed away a few months ago and her house was left to my fiance & his brother. We are going to move into this house and try to take a home equity loan to pay his brother his half of the inheritance (instead of him getting money from selling the house). However,...
Ability of using equity to nouns down deposit on latest home?
Hi Everyone. I have a substantial amount of equity in one of my homes, and am looking to purchase a second home sometime surrounded by the summer. I do not have money for a down payment, however, I do own more than enough for closing costs. I was...
About 3 yrs ago I took out a Home equity stripe of credit for home improvements. ?
I have very little moved out from this loan, and I guess I have no equity now. The nouns charges are high, even with the rate coming down because of the discount. Should I refinance now jsut to get rid of the loan charges?...
Adding equity to your home?
My driveway is dirt and gravel. I'd like to lay concrete and pave it. Will that increase the equity in my home? By how much, do you suppose?? Also, I'd like to add any a front or back porch to the house. Will that increase? The reason I ask is because I'd close to to get...
Advice nearly equity within house and buying another home?
i have a house in the uk next to a mortgage i bought ten years ago for lb150,000 i owe approximately lb124,000 (not accurate) Before all this recent credit crunch it was valued at lb500,000 but i tried to trade it but dispite continually reducing the price i had to withdraw it...
Advice on home equity please?
I own my home, I am single and am a youngish retiree! I would like to do a lot of things, similar to travel, get involved in projects I enjoy a passion for before I am too aged to enjoy the rewards. I have a few nieces and nephews that I would similar to...
After my collapse is discharged, can my creditors collect on the equity within my home?
My wife and I are in bankruptcy but it is give or take a few to be discharged. Since we had less than $30,000 within equity in our home, we were allowed to preserve our home. We are considering selling our home to move closer to...
Am I entitled to the equity accrue while purchasing a home on ground contract for the later six years?
Purchased home 6 yrs. ago and the land contract period is culmination. I am not able to acquire a mortgage on this property now that balloon costs is due. I got behind on payments to the territory contract holder since...
Am I obligated to wages past its sell-by date a second mortgate(home equity smudge of credit contained by $100K)in situation beside foreclosure?
This is my second house, which I was trying to sell for one year, and cannot afford to pay cheque any longer. I plan to take a home equity line of credit for $100K+ and prohibit to pay any...
Americans Now Have Less than 50% Equity within their Homes. Is that Because Lots of People Bought Big Homes?
Or did people take out seriously of home equity loans and spend it on things other than their house? This is because people in times past used their home (when values were rising rapidly) as their personal atm machine. ...
Any banks/lenders who will refi a home equity stripe on a modular home?
We have a modular home (pre-built), in UT, and own a variable HELOC and want to change it to a fixed rate but no hill around here will do it because it is a modular home. It's on a foundation, 5 years old, we owe about $75K...
Any home lenders agreement beside mobile homes for home equity or lines of credit?
Lines of credit are most often handled by your hill. A mortgage lender will usually not do this. It depends on the mobile. If it is in a park, then the come to rest underneath it is rented and your real...
Any hope beside gloomy equity contained by my home and have need of to put up for sale?
I have two mortgages on my home in the Northern VA nouns. 1st is an ARM that reset at the end of 2007, and again last month. The combined payments are $3200 (w/o escrow) and is really difficult to make. ...
Anybody know this??what is equity release?i do know you can release some of worth of your home but is 34 too?
young or do you have to be over 60yrs?also if you enjoy a mortgage do your payments go up if you release some of your homes value by taking brass from the company or do they only take the payments...
Anyone hear of Equity Sharing for purchasing a home??
Only in your previous question asking for someone to invest $250k surrounded by the "upscale Bergen County Community". I'm all ears! What is Equity Sharing for purchasing a home? Do you know? Source(s): Always willing to swot up more!
Anyone know of a lawful source for debt consolidation, in need using home equity?
Try prosper.com Call the American Consumer Counseling Center - unlike a lot of those "debt solution" places, this is a non-profit and won't take your money. They can administer you some great counseling and advise you on the best options for your fastidious situation. American...
Anyone know the best ways to put equity into your home?
Find the best neighborhood in your area. Then, try to find someone contained by a situation that forces them to move immediately. (I.E. job relocation, facing foreclosure,divorce, lost of job) Make them a proffer lower than their asking price. In most cases that's instant equity. Good luck. ...
More Home Equityquestions please visit : RefinanceFreeFAQ.com