Horse Whispering Help - Lady"s Story
How with Horse Whispering Help Lady earned her name.
It started off as a day like any other, I went into the normal routine morning feeds of putting horses out into their paddocks, before mucking out the stables.
I was just about to get a nice well deserved cup of tea, when the phone rang, someone who wanted to remain anonymous asked me to go and take a look at a pony they were very concerned about.
I was told the location ofthe pony from, I would be able to see her from the window of some flats opposite where she was being kept in a back garden.
I was not prepared for the horror that I witnessed.
This pony looked like she had no weight on her at all, she had her head to the floor, and even from where I was standing I could see her breathing was laboured.
I knew this Pony needed help, so after negotiations with the owner they signed the pony over to me.
Within an hour I had her back at my yard.
The first thing was to get her some help with her breathing and get some weight on her, a long and slow process.
I decided that because of her breathing, it was best to keep her in the fresh air; she thrived and put on weight.
But despite all the care it was obvious that this pony had issues where people where concerned years of neglect and abuse had made her think that humans were not nice people.
Lady could give a very swift kick if you got behind her, or a bite if you got in front of her.
I had to show her that not all humans were bad, horse whispering was the answer.
One of the biggest problems was trying to pick her feet out, she badly needed her feet trimming but the Blacksmith didn't want to go near her as she tried to kick him, every time he approached her.
After many days of hard work and getting her to join up with me, there was a complete turn round in her attitude she learned to trust, and even agreed to have her feet picked out and trimmed without even attempting to kick.
I was amazed out how a pony that had been treated so badly, turned out to be such a loving Pony.
Her name Lady suited her because, after the horse whispering, she did indeed become a Lady.
It started off as a day like any other, I went into the normal routine morning feeds of putting horses out into their paddocks, before mucking out the stables.
I was just about to get a nice well deserved cup of tea, when the phone rang, someone who wanted to remain anonymous asked me to go and take a look at a pony they were very concerned about.
I was told the location ofthe pony from, I would be able to see her from the window of some flats opposite where she was being kept in a back garden.
I was not prepared for the horror that I witnessed.
This pony looked like she had no weight on her at all, she had her head to the floor, and even from where I was standing I could see her breathing was laboured.
I knew this Pony needed help, so after negotiations with the owner they signed the pony over to me.
Within an hour I had her back at my yard.
The first thing was to get her some help with her breathing and get some weight on her, a long and slow process.
I decided that because of her breathing, it was best to keep her in the fresh air; she thrived and put on weight.
But despite all the care it was obvious that this pony had issues where people where concerned years of neglect and abuse had made her think that humans were not nice people.
Lady could give a very swift kick if you got behind her, or a bite if you got in front of her.
I had to show her that not all humans were bad, horse whispering was the answer.
One of the biggest problems was trying to pick her feet out, she badly needed her feet trimming but the Blacksmith didn't want to go near her as she tried to kick him, every time he approached her.
After many days of hard work and getting her to join up with me, there was a complete turn round in her attitude she learned to trust, and even agreed to have her feet picked out and trimmed without even attempting to kick.
I was amazed out how a pony that had been treated so badly, turned out to be such a loving Pony.
Her name Lady suited her because, after the horse whispering, she did indeed become a Lady.