How to Form a Corporation in Pennsylvania
- 1). Choose a business name that contains the words "corporation," "company," "incorporated" or "limited". An abbreviation can be used such as "Fictitious Co."
- 2). Go to the Pennsylvania Department of State website and check the Name Availability database.
- 3). Click, "Search for a Business Entity." Confirm the business is available.
- 4). Register your business name as a federal and/or state trademark. This step is not compulsory.
- 5). Name a director for the corporation. The person named must be of legal age (18 or older) and a permanent resident of Pennsylvania.
- 6). Complete articles of incorporation. File with the Department of State, Corporations Bureau and pay the filing fee by check, money order or credit card.
- 7). Submit a Docketing Statement to the Department of State. This statement should contain information such as the name and type of business you have incorporated and a description of the business. A filing fee is not required.
- 8). Notify the general public of your incorporation. Purchase advertising space in two newspapers of general circulation.
- 9). Establish your company's bylaws and hold a company meeting.
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Provide the board of directors and all original company members with stock certificates. - 11
Obtain licensure depending on the type of business you wish to incorporate. Contact the Pennsylvania Department of State about local licenses. - 12
Open a bank account and begin operating as a business.