My Cat Has Stopped Pooping in the Litter Box
If you are asking yourself why has my cat stopped pooping in the litter box then I think I can help you.
Cats often display strange behaviours for a lot of weird reasons.
My cat stopped going in the right place and apart from being smelly I knew something was wrong and started to research.
Here are some of my top tips on people who ask themselves why my cat has stopped pooping in the litter box.
Stress - Cats get stressed out easily, a lot more easily that dogs who are joyous and full of fun at all times.
You have to find out what exactly it is that is stressing out your cat and return it to the normal state.
It is often a change in the environment of where the cat stays for most of the day.
If you have its basket in one place and moved it or if you have rearranged the furniture or there is a new cat in the neighbourhood this could be causing the lack of pooping in the litter box.
Try to return everything to normal and see if a week make a difference.
Is it clean? - Your cat may have gone in the litter box when you were not there and then thought about going again and saw how unclean it was.
They are clean animals.
They prefer the carpet to a dirty litter tray.
What you can do though is make sure that it is cleaned thoroughly each and every day for a week to see if it makes a difference.
Treats - It is worth learning to train your cat with treats because this will save you hours in the long run and smelly carpets too.
Seriously, the amount of time spend training your cat is nothing in the short term and when you do it you can relax because you never have to train a cat twice.
Cats often display strange behaviours for a lot of weird reasons.
My cat stopped going in the right place and apart from being smelly I knew something was wrong and started to research.
Here are some of my top tips on people who ask themselves why my cat has stopped pooping in the litter box.
Stress - Cats get stressed out easily, a lot more easily that dogs who are joyous and full of fun at all times.
You have to find out what exactly it is that is stressing out your cat and return it to the normal state.
It is often a change in the environment of where the cat stays for most of the day.
If you have its basket in one place and moved it or if you have rearranged the furniture or there is a new cat in the neighbourhood this could be causing the lack of pooping in the litter box.
Try to return everything to normal and see if a week make a difference.
Is it clean? - Your cat may have gone in the litter box when you were not there and then thought about going again and saw how unclean it was.
They are clean animals.
They prefer the carpet to a dirty litter tray.
What you can do though is make sure that it is cleaned thoroughly each and every day for a week to see if it makes a difference.
Treats - It is worth learning to train your cat with treats because this will save you hours in the long run and smelly carpets too.
Seriously, the amount of time spend training your cat is nothing in the short term and when you do it you can relax because you never have to train a cat twice.