Green Living - Tips for Conservation & a Greener Planet
Making green changes in your lifestyle is an easy way to get more enjoyment out of your life and help to conserve the natural resources of our planet.
It is in our hands as individuals to protect and preserve our home.
World governments and the corporations that feed their pockets with gold have never and will never care about the environment - they care about cash.
When you make the decisive commitment to initiate a plan for green living in your family, you help to make your community and the world in general a more holistically natural and healthy place for us all to live and thrive.
Here are some tips to begin your new green lifestyle with: Tip 1: Knowledge is power.
You have to understand the problems at hand to be able to deal with them effectively.
The environment has been being attacked for decades and decades from pollution-causing manufacturing plants and governmental agencies who do far less than not caring.
Truths have been consistently masked and hidden from the public in the name of increased profit margins.
To believe otherwise is both ludicrous and self-destructive.
This is your planet! Stand up and fight for it.
Educate yourself and grow in knowledge.
Use that knowledge to force your elected leaders into positive action that addresses the urgent environmental issues at hand.
Be a green mover; become a green knowledge bank! It's not enough to simply be aware of the problems that are destroying our planet; you have to be proactive in your approach to addressing them.
Almost everyone acknowledges that there are many things which must be done to reverse the damages done and impede or stop further damage to our planet.
That's no surprise.
Taking action is what it's all about though.
Tip 2: Change the way that you and your family move around.
Transportation of the masses of people around the planet everyday unleashes a devastating amount of toxins into the atmosphere, soil and water.
Consider green alternative forms of transportation such as bicycling, scootering, walking or mass transit systems.
Explore the possibility of working from home to cut down on your need to travel so much.
Ever thought about forming a carpool? If you just can't see making full-time green changes in your travel habits, maybe you could just change them on a few given days of each week.
At a minimum, you should at least be driving a fuel-efficient vehicle.
The bottom line is that it is you that must take action.
Just do something! Tip 3: Green living has a lot to do with intentionally lessening your consumption of energy.
You don't have to spend a hundred thousand dollars transforming your home with wind turbines, solar panels and flux capacitors.
You can do simple green things for free like shutting the lights off when you leave a room.
Try dropping that thermostat setting a few degrees in the winter and raising it a few degrees in the summer.
Buy energy-saving light bulbs and appliances.
Ensure that your home, water lines and hot water tanks are thoroughly insulated.
You can also periodically inquire about green alternatives with your utility companies.
If they never get the requests, they will never embrace the changes necessary.
Tip 4: Train yourself to embrace healthier eating habits of water-rich foods.
It is a very green way to enhance your health while simultaneously saving the planet.
The Internet has made it possible to drop ship international foods all around the planet with simple mouse clicks.
Shipping products and intensive farming methods have deadly impacts on the environment.
Embrace the concept of gardening.
Start a compost pile in your backyard and enrich the soil on your land.
Eliminate your consumption of inorganic, pesticide and herbicide laden vegetables.
Eat less meat.
Enjoy the natural, seasonal bounties of nature.
There are many healthful, environmentally-responsible and fun ways to enjoy a greener lifestyle and become a part of an international effort to save our planet.
Why should we continue to turn a blind eye towards corrupt governments and corporate entities? Why should they continue to unleash total devastation on our planet - our home? Make at least some small, simplistic changes in your lifestyle today to further the green cause.
The rewards that you experience will be far further reaching than you will be able to see.
It is in our hands as individuals to protect and preserve our home.
World governments and the corporations that feed their pockets with gold have never and will never care about the environment - they care about cash.
When you make the decisive commitment to initiate a plan for green living in your family, you help to make your community and the world in general a more holistically natural and healthy place for us all to live and thrive.
Here are some tips to begin your new green lifestyle with: Tip 1: Knowledge is power.
You have to understand the problems at hand to be able to deal with them effectively.
The environment has been being attacked for decades and decades from pollution-causing manufacturing plants and governmental agencies who do far less than not caring.
Truths have been consistently masked and hidden from the public in the name of increased profit margins.
To believe otherwise is both ludicrous and self-destructive.
This is your planet! Stand up and fight for it.
Educate yourself and grow in knowledge.
Use that knowledge to force your elected leaders into positive action that addresses the urgent environmental issues at hand.
Be a green mover; become a green knowledge bank! It's not enough to simply be aware of the problems that are destroying our planet; you have to be proactive in your approach to addressing them.
Almost everyone acknowledges that there are many things which must be done to reverse the damages done and impede or stop further damage to our planet.
That's no surprise.
Taking action is what it's all about though.
Tip 2: Change the way that you and your family move around.
Transportation of the masses of people around the planet everyday unleashes a devastating amount of toxins into the atmosphere, soil and water.
Consider green alternative forms of transportation such as bicycling, scootering, walking or mass transit systems.
Explore the possibility of working from home to cut down on your need to travel so much.
Ever thought about forming a carpool? If you just can't see making full-time green changes in your travel habits, maybe you could just change them on a few given days of each week.
At a minimum, you should at least be driving a fuel-efficient vehicle.
The bottom line is that it is you that must take action.
Just do something! Tip 3: Green living has a lot to do with intentionally lessening your consumption of energy.
You don't have to spend a hundred thousand dollars transforming your home with wind turbines, solar panels and flux capacitors.
You can do simple green things for free like shutting the lights off when you leave a room.
Try dropping that thermostat setting a few degrees in the winter and raising it a few degrees in the summer.
Buy energy-saving light bulbs and appliances.
Ensure that your home, water lines and hot water tanks are thoroughly insulated.
You can also periodically inquire about green alternatives with your utility companies.
If they never get the requests, they will never embrace the changes necessary.
Tip 4: Train yourself to embrace healthier eating habits of water-rich foods.
It is a very green way to enhance your health while simultaneously saving the planet.
The Internet has made it possible to drop ship international foods all around the planet with simple mouse clicks.
Shipping products and intensive farming methods have deadly impacts on the environment.
Embrace the concept of gardening.
Start a compost pile in your backyard and enrich the soil on your land.
Eliminate your consumption of inorganic, pesticide and herbicide laden vegetables.
Eat less meat.
Enjoy the natural, seasonal bounties of nature.
There are many healthful, environmentally-responsible and fun ways to enjoy a greener lifestyle and become a part of an international effort to save our planet.
Why should we continue to turn a blind eye towards corrupt governments and corporate entities? Why should they continue to unleash total devastation on our planet - our home? Make at least some small, simplistic changes in your lifestyle today to further the green cause.
The rewards that you experience will be far further reaching than you will be able to see.