Profile of Change to Win Labor Union Federation
The Change to Win Federation is a coalition of 4,774,282 workers from four major American labor unions:
- United Farm Workers (UFW)
- International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT)
- Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
- United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW)
The leader of Change to Win is Chairman Joseph Hansen, President of the UFCW and a former grocery store meat-cutter from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Mr. Hansen became chair in April 2010, succeeding Andy Stern, former longtime SEIU President.
President Obama on Labor Unions
Per President Obama, "Much of what we now take for granted—the 40-hour work week, the minimum wage, health insurance, paid leave, pensions, Social Security and Medicare—were made possible by the hard work and dedicated struggle of America’s labor movement.
"It was labor unions that led the fight to improve working conditions and labor standards. In doing so, we have helped to build the largest middle class in history and demonstrated that we are stronger together than as individuals."
Mission of Change to Win Federation
"Our mission is to unite the 5 million workers in Change to Win affiliate industries whose jobs cannot be outsourced and who are vital to the global economy. We seek to secure the American Dream for them, and for all working people, including:
- A paycheck that supports a family
- Universal health care
- A secure retirement
- The freedom to form a union to give workers a voice on the job."
- "To devote maximum resources, including at least three-quarters of the resources of the new labor federation, to the central task of uniting workers into unions and restoring the American Dream."
- "To join with allies to campaign for basic American values and rights -- especially the right to a union and collective bargaining; the right to affordable, quality health care; and the right to retirement security."
- "To hold elected public officials accountable for standing up for the right of working people to form unions."
- "To fight for full legal rights for immigrant workers, oppose all forms of discrimination, and ensure diversity at all levels of our federation and our movement."
- "To unite with unions and allies in other countries to negotiate with global corporations to raise living standards and win respect for workers' rights everywhere."