Singapore Laws for Child Sexual Abuse Offenders
- Singapore has strict laws regarding child sexual abusesingapore waterfront 2 image by michael luckett from
Singapore is a country known for, among other things, its strict punishments for the violation of its laws. This severity extends to laws against the sexual abuse of a child. Sexual abuse offenders are subject to not only fines and imprisonment, but public caning as well. - The age of consent for male-female intercourse in Singapore is technically 16. However, a man can be convicted of statutory rape only is the victim is 14 years or under. In the case of consensual sex with a girl under 14, a man faces up to 20 years in prison and possible an additional fine and caning. If a man is convicted non-consensual sex with a girl under 14, he faces between eight and 14 years in prison and at least 12 strokes of the cane. Consent cannot legally be given by a person under 12 years of age.
- Singaporean law states that a person convicted of intercourse "against the order of nature" -- meaning sodomy -- with any man or woman can face life in prison.
- A man who commits incest with a women under the age of 14 faces up to 14 years in prison. Women over the age of 16 who consent to incest can also face up to 5 years in prison.
- A person who assaults another person with the intention of causing "outraging the modesty" of the victim may be punished by up to two years in prison, fine, caning, or any two of the preceding. If the person does this and causes or intends to restrain the victim or harm them, they face between two and 10 years in prison, plus caning; if the victim is under 14, they face between 3 and 10 years, plus caning.
- A man performing a "gross indecency" with another man, of any age, faces up to two years in prison.
- Aiding, abetting or patronizing prostitutes, whether child or adult, is punished by up to 5 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.
- Any person that knowingly allows their premises to be used for intercourse by a child under 16 faces a fine of up to $2000, three years in prison, or both.
- While there is no specific provision for child pornography in Singaporean law -- all pornography is regulated equally -- the Children and Young Person Act states that any person who commit or helps to commit an obscene act with a young person faces a $ 5,000, up to a two-year prison term, or both. Second and subsequent offenses command a fine of $10,000 and up to four year years in prison, or both.
Age of Consent
"Unnatural Offenses"
"Outraging of Modesty"
"Outraging of Decency"
Child Prostitution
Girls Under 16
Child Pornography