How to Grow Greens on a Balcony
- 1). Decide if you want mixed greens or prefer to keep the different varieties in separate containers. Some varieties grow faster than others, so separating the seeds may make harvesting more convenient. Also, faster-growing varieties won’t have a chance to choke out the slow, maturing greens.
- 2). Sprout your seeds indoors for a better start. Use small, disposable, watertight containers or store-bought containers specifically designed for sprouting and transplanting seeds.
- 3). Fill the containers within 3/4 inch from the top with potting soil. Spread the seeds evenly across the top. Add another thin layer of soil to just cover the seeds. Water sparingly and cover with plastic wrap.
- 4). Place the seeds in a sunny window until they begin to sprout, usually within only a few days. Remove the plastic wrap and let them grow until they are 2 to 4 inches tall, depending on how tender you like your leaves.
- 5). Thin the sprouts so that the remaining plants have more room to grow. When the plants have two or three good leaves, they are ready to transplant.
- 1). Use any variety of shapes and sizes of pots to grow your greens. Oblong trays work great, but so do decorative pots. Most lettuce varieties have a shallow root system and work best in small trays or pots.
- 2). Fill the new pots about 3/4 full with potting soil. Poke holes in the soil about 1 inch deep and 2 inches apart for each seedling.
- 3). Hold the container of seedlings in one hand and tilt to the side. Gently tug on the seedlings with your other hand, tilting the container to help loosen them. Cup your hand to give them support. Separate each seedling and tuck the root sections into the holes poked in the potting soil. Pack soil carefully around each plant so that it stands upright. Add more soil to each pot if necessary, but not so much that it overflows when watering the plants. Water moderately, and keep the greens consistently moist, never allowing them to dry out.
- 4). Allow the plants to adjust to their new environment by placing them in a shady location on your balcony, out of direct sunlight. A good time of day is either early morning or early evening, as mid- to later afternoon can bring scorching heat, which could damage the young greens.
Transplant Seedlings