How to Hunt Chompy Birds on "RuneScape"
- 1). Train your Cooking to level 30, Ranged to level 30 and Fletching to level 5.
- 2). Have the ability to defend yourself against level 64 wolves and level 53 ogres.
- 3). Travel to Varrock and walk north to the Grand Exchange. Purchase 100 feathers and six wolf bones.
- 4). Withdraw a hatchet (any metal), knife, chisel, ring of dueling, armor and a weapon from your bank account.
- 5). Right-click the ring of dueling and click "Rub." Select "Castle Wars" from the list that appears on your screen. Your character teleports to Castle Wars.
- 6). Exit the building and run southeast to Feldip Hills. Speak to Rantz, who is located on the far east side of the city. Accept Rantz's mission and complete the Big Chompy Bird Hunting quest.
- 7). Travel to a bank and withdraw your Ogre bow, Ogre arrows and Ogre bellows that you obtained during the quest.
- 8). Return to Feldip Hills and walk southeast to the swamp that contains the swamp toads.
- 9). Click the Ogre bellows in your inventory and click a bubble on the swamp to fill the bellows with swamp air. Click the Ogre bellows and then click a swamp toad. You will receive a bloated toad in your inventory. Capture three toads and walk northeast to Rantz.
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Right-click a bloated toad in your inventory and click "Drop." Your character places the bait on the ground. Walk a few steps away and wait for a Chompy Bird to appear. - 11
Click the Chompy Bird to attack it with your Ogre bow and Ogre arrows. - 12
Right-click the dead Chompy Bird and click "Pluck." Your character removes the bird's feathers and drops the raw Chompy meat and bones on the ground.