How to Make Fabric Flowers or Yo-Yos
- 1). Cut your fabric into a circle that's twice the size that you want your yo-yo flower to be. If you don't feel comfortable drawing a circle freehand, trace a large circular object onto the fabric and cut over the line you drew, or use a circle stencil.
- 2). Place your fabric circle on a flat surface with the printed side down. Fold over the outer edges of the circle about one-quarter inch. While you hold the folded edge over, begin doing a running stitch around the fold, with each stitch evenly spaced. The more space you leave between each stitch, the more the fabric will gather and pleat. Stitch until you reach the beginning of your stitching, leaving the remaining thread.
- 3). Pull the leftover thread gently until the fabric begins to form pleats between each stitch. Continue pulling at the thread until it turns into a gathered circle. Tie the remaining thread into a knot and backstitch over the knot to cover it.
- 4). Turn on your hot glue gun and let it heat up for several minutes. Carefully dab a small amount of hot glue to the back of a rhinestone or flat-backed bead and attach it to the flower so that it covers the "hole" in your yo-yo flower.