Omega Supplements for Dogs
- Omega supplements provide fatty acids that strengthen your dog's cellular membranes. They keep his cellular material intact and protected from harmful outside substances.
- Although dogs manufacture omega-3 from dietary omega-6, the Purdue Research Center recommends giving your dog omega-3 supplements for additional cardiovascular, immune function, and coat and skin benefits.
- Many dog foods contain flaxseed oil with omega-3s, but Dr. Jeanette Thomason of recommends a fish oil supplement. Your dog can synthesize anti-inflammatory compounds from fish-oil omega-3s.
- Fish oil is a rich source of omega-3
Dandruff and greasy skin indicate omega-6 deficiency. Supplement your dog's food with 1 tbsp. corn oil. Other omega-6 sources include sunflower, borage and evening primrose oils. - Improper omega-3 supplementation may keep your dog's blood from clotting. Large amounts of vitamins E, D or A in some omega-3 supplements could harm your pet over time.
Omega-3 Supplements
Omega-6 Supplements