Do"s and Don"ts With Groin Strains
Injuries are one of the hazards of an active lifestyle and can sometimes happen out of the blue. Groin strains - sometimes known as groin pulls - most commonly affect those who run or who play sports with lots of stop-start action, like tennis, rugby and football. They occur when the six abductor muscles between the inner pelvis and inner femur are put under strain and the muscle fibres stretch too far or even tear, A groin strain is usually a painful injury and severe instances can lead to swelling around the top of the leg and the hip and considerable discomfort when walking.
Groin strains are relatively common amongst athletes and most sports people will recognise the symptoms of the injury as soon as it occurs. Medical attention isn't usually required in the case of minor sprains but if you experience severe discomfort or if your symptoms do not resolve quickly, it's important to see your doctor for a full diagnosis. The following do's and don'ts will help your injury to heal more quickly and help to alleviate any pain in the immediate aftermath of a groin sprain.
Ensure that you rest as much as possible in the aftermath of the injury. Attempting to return to full activity too soon can cause further damage to the affected area and make the existing injury significantly worse.
Apply ice to the area as soon as possible. Groin strains usually involve bruising and swelling around the hip and inner thigh which can cause pain and restrict movement. The best way to deal with swelling of any muscle injury is to apply ice packs for 15 minutes every four hours.
Compress and elevate the injury. Using a compression bandage can help contain swelling and reduce pain. However, it is important not to wrap the bandage too tight - if you experience a throbbing sensation or the bandage feels too tight, take it off and rewrap the groin area. Elevating the leg can also help reduce swelling - try using pillows to raise your leg when lying down. These four steps - Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation - are commonly known as 'RICE' in the medical profession..
Don't however, hurry back to sport too quickly. Even if you feel fine, your groin strain may not yet have had enough time to recover. Three weeks is a sensible recovery period for minor groin strains, 4 to 6 weeks for moderate injuries and at least three months for severe pulls.
Finally, don't hesitate to see your doctor if your symptoms persist or if you suffer a severe injury. Various other health problems share symptoms with groin strains, including sports hernias, hip joint problems and lower back problems. If you experience any difficulty walking, pain while sitting or at rest or pain at night, it's a good idea to seek a medical opinion at the earliest opportunity.
Of course, it's best to avoid groin strains if at all possible so don't forget to warm up before sport. Warm up exercise and stretches can be the most effective way to avoid being injured in the first place.
Groin strains are relatively common amongst athletes and most sports people will recognise the symptoms of the injury as soon as it occurs. Medical attention isn't usually required in the case of minor sprains but if you experience severe discomfort or if your symptoms do not resolve quickly, it's important to see your doctor for a full diagnosis. The following do's and don'ts will help your injury to heal more quickly and help to alleviate any pain in the immediate aftermath of a groin sprain.
Ensure that you rest as much as possible in the aftermath of the injury. Attempting to return to full activity too soon can cause further damage to the affected area and make the existing injury significantly worse.
Apply ice to the area as soon as possible. Groin strains usually involve bruising and swelling around the hip and inner thigh which can cause pain and restrict movement. The best way to deal with swelling of any muscle injury is to apply ice packs for 15 minutes every four hours.
Compress and elevate the injury. Using a compression bandage can help contain swelling and reduce pain. However, it is important not to wrap the bandage too tight - if you experience a throbbing sensation or the bandage feels too tight, take it off and rewrap the groin area. Elevating the leg can also help reduce swelling - try using pillows to raise your leg when lying down. These four steps - Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation - are commonly known as 'RICE' in the medical profession..
Don't however, hurry back to sport too quickly. Even if you feel fine, your groin strain may not yet have had enough time to recover. Three weeks is a sensible recovery period for minor groin strains, 4 to 6 weeks for moderate injuries and at least three months for severe pulls.
Finally, don't hesitate to see your doctor if your symptoms persist or if you suffer a severe injury. Various other health problems share symptoms with groin strains, including sports hernias, hip joint problems and lower back problems. If you experience any difficulty walking, pain while sitting or at rest or pain at night, it's a good idea to seek a medical opinion at the earliest opportunity.
Of course, it's best to avoid groin strains if at all possible so don't forget to warm up before sport. Warm up exercise and stretches can be the most effective way to avoid being injured in the first place.