Who Gets Chilblains (Perniosis)
What are chilblains? Chilblains are abnormal reactions of small blood vessels in one's skin. It can happen when one is exposed to long standing cold temperatures in cold places or during winter time.After being exposed, they normally happen a few hours later and can cause a lot of pain. The cold causes the small blood vessels to constrict and if the skin is suddenly re-warmed, blood leaks into the tissues because the blood vessels are not able to respond fast enough to sudden warming. Poor circulation increases the chance of contracting Chilblains.Chilblains (Perniosis) are small red spots on one's skin, they are very itchy. Increasing pains can be felt when they start becoming dark blue because of congestion. Swelling also results. They leave many cracks on the skin making the patient prone to infection when they dry out. Chilblains normally affect the feet and toes, especially if they are other existing foot problems like callus and corns or even bunion. Certain parts of our body are exposed to huge pressure (especially when we wear tight shoes).Chilblains (Perniosis) may start in winter as the weather becomes colder. Initial warning signs may be itching and burning in the area where it is beginning to develop. Symptoms intensify when one moves and to a warm place. Redness and swelling becomes apparent. In most cases, the skin affected may break down and become unbearable ulcers and can very well become infected.The exact occurrence pattern of Chilblains (Perniosis) is still unknown. Some people may get it every year, or for some even for the rest of their life. Some who suffer from them every year may finally get sudden relief. Statistics show that women tend to suffer from chilblains more than men. It could be due to the hormmones that affected it. Other contributing factors are poor nutrition, anemia, disorders on one's connective tissues, and some disorders on the bone marrow.It is important to keep your feet warm at all times. Chilblains will most likely to develop, if the feet are cold. Alternatively wear long pants, leg warmers high boots or longer socks. In case your feet get cold, warm them slowly not abruptly. Never expose your cold feet to direct and abrupt heat. If you can, stop smoking because it is a risk factor to getting Chilblains. If you can't stop, avoid smoking while you have them. For existing Chilblains, rub prescribed lotions to soothe and stimulate circulation. Avoid the urge to scratch the affected area. If the skin cracks, dress affected area with anitseptic solution to prevent infection. Immediately consult a Podiatrist if your Chilblains (Perniosis) get worst, and if you are diabetic.