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Writing: How To Start Off On The Right Foot

If you are a writer, glorious stories will be flowing through your mind continually and you'll have to set them to paper. In this new year, here is some advice on pitfalls to avoid.

When I began writing many years ago, I knew I needed more experience. I took the expert's advice and used my first manuscript as a learning tool. I read books, took classes and workshops, entered contests, and had my work critiqued by friends and experts alike. It seemed everyone had an opinion. "Your character is too wordy." "You should rename your hero." "It needed more characters." "Your book ends too soon." "It needs a wrap-up at the end." "Not enough contractions." "More swear words." "Your heroine is TSTL (too stupid to live)." You name it, I heard it. I rewrote...and rewrote.

After dozens and dozens of changes, I finally got up the nerve and sent my manuscript to an editor. The rejection rolled in, but I wasn't discouraged. I immediately started over with more classes and books. The more I rewrote my work the more it wasn't mine. My plot, characters and voice were all melting away into someone else's work. What I found was that I couldn't please everyone or follow every rule.

At that point, I started sifting through everything I had learned. I didn't discount everything I had learned. There were rules that needed to be followed.

I weighed each suggestion and decided whether it fit my style of writing, kind of a gut response no matter how painful. No single teacher has the magical answer to becoming a bestselling author. I've taken the pieces I've learned and created my own writing guidelines.

Over this last year, I have written several articles I hope helped you to decide what makes sense. These articles included:

- Learning from contest judges: How to accept criticism and turn it to your benefit.

- Using conflict in writing: The importance of conflict to keep your book moving.

- Looking at point-of-view: How to write from each character's mind.

- Easy steps to becoming published.

- Steps to understand your own writing goal.

Take some of the advice and leave what doesn't feel right. The important part is to understand why it doesn't work and support it throughout your manuscript. I am continually learning new techniques I add to my repertoire to improve my writing. You will too. But don't give up you. Don't try to be JK Rowlings or Stephenie Meyer. Be you.

In the coming year, I will be covering topics like:

- Editing tips

- Getting to know your characters

- Getting off to a great start

- Scenes and sequels

- Ways to keep a reader reading

I hope my experiences will help you avoid some of the pitfalls I went through as a beginning writer.
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