Scientology, Media, Controversy - What Is It All About?
Historically, bold new things which changed man drew controversy and criticism. Cars, planes, internet, science, religions, were all controversial once.
It was said man would not be able to travel faster than a horse, as God had deemed it so. Man should not fly as God had not given man wings. The Earth did not revolve around the sun as God had made the Earth the centre of the universe. Those who proclaimed the contrary were heretics, sometimes put to death.
God never made these statements, but rather people did - in his name. Those who tried to break out from the small think of their time were liable to persecution. Leonardo Da Vinci was one such persecuted.
What was really happening with such persecution was that people could not foresee where great technical advances would take them. Their own tiny minds, small points of view and low grade thinking had limits. Maybe they were scared. But to justify small thought and failure people found they had to place limits on others.
This still happens today. No one will knows how the mind truly works. The minds problems cannot be cured. You have heard them.
Some, many or all psychiatrists may not know how to cure the mind, after administering electro convulsive therapy for the upteenth time. The mind can never be understood, and never be cured. They may say sagely. And today, with drug company profits backing this passed-on misunderstanding with vested interests, and politicians being hammered and coerced into agreement, the field of the mind is very closed indeed. At best, we are told, the mind might be able to be dulled. It could be made less of a problem, but there is really no cure.
So we get several phenomena. This phenomena is simply that those who campaign against the vested interests of the mind get into trouble. An obvious example is orthomolecular-psychiatry, which believes that the cure is in administering vitamins, not drugs. Patients seem to get better, do not return, so there is no perpetual money in this. The cure is not a financial recurring cycle. Those clever enough and brave enough to be guided by results of this kind get persecuted. But this essay is not about them.
This essay is about Scientology. Scientology states that there are solutions to all mental an spiritual problems. There is no mental condition that cannot be fixed. People act strange or unusual for a reason. Those reasons may indeed require medical handlings, for which a doctor is needed nutrition, eradication a tumour or something, or more. The body can and does impact on the mind. But the ultimate causes of all mental and spiritual ills are with the mind itself. And once a medical handling is done then the mind should be fixed. And then, finally, the spirit.
In Scientology Man is made up of three components: spirit, mind, and body. All interact. Sometimes professionals from the medical profession are needed before a true mental or spiritual healing can happen. But eventually it comes down to the fact that the mind and spirit are always ultimately responsible for mental and spiritual ills.
Because of this approach, Scientology has opposing forces. There are the obvious fields of mental health practices, which insist on treating the body to bring about a changed condition of the spirit. This is called the medical model of psychiatry. It fails because it treats only the body. And then there are the pharmaceutical companies that profit generously from people being forever mentally ill. Through advertising, this group have a great sway in what media run and report and how they report it. Then there are those who are awake enough to read and watch media, but not trained or intelligent enough to understand facts from fiction. They become alarmed at the spoon fed data by the media and sooner or later join the ranks of opposing forces.
Scientology is in the news. It is opposed. But it has great solutions. It can raise ability, intelligence, and individual freedom. Freedom is what historically has been most opposed. Today Scientology is throwing these chains off from man. This is what Scientology is about. The attacks and controversy about Scientology are only continuing because it grows, and as it does grow the opposition grows. But historically, that opposition will subside. There will be a point of acceptance. There always is. And of course there are many positive non-controversial media stories on Scientology as well.
It was said man would not be able to travel faster than a horse, as God had deemed it so. Man should not fly as God had not given man wings. The Earth did not revolve around the sun as God had made the Earth the centre of the universe. Those who proclaimed the contrary were heretics, sometimes put to death.
God never made these statements, but rather people did - in his name. Those who tried to break out from the small think of their time were liable to persecution. Leonardo Da Vinci was one such persecuted.
What was really happening with such persecution was that people could not foresee where great technical advances would take them. Their own tiny minds, small points of view and low grade thinking had limits. Maybe they were scared. But to justify small thought and failure people found they had to place limits on others.
This still happens today. No one will knows how the mind truly works. The minds problems cannot be cured. You have heard them.
Some, many or all psychiatrists may not know how to cure the mind, after administering electro convulsive therapy for the upteenth time. The mind can never be understood, and never be cured. They may say sagely. And today, with drug company profits backing this passed-on misunderstanding with vested interests, and politicians being hammered and coerced into agreement, the field of the mind is very closed indeed. At best, we are told, the mind might be able to be dulled. It could be made less of a problem, but there is really no cure.
So we get several phenomena. This phenomena is simply that those who campaign against the vested interests of the mind get into trouble. An obvious example is orthomolecular-psychiatry, which believes that the cure is in administering vitamins, not drugs. Patients seem to get better, do not return, so there is no perpetual money in this. The cure is not a financial recurring cycle. Those clever enough and brave enough to be guided by results of this kind get persecuted. But this essay is not about them.
This essay is about Scientology. Scientology states that there are solutions to all mental an spiritual problems. There is no mental condition that cannot be fixed. People act strange or unusual for a reason. Those reasons may indeed require medical handlings, for which a doctor is needed nutrition, eradication a tumour or something, or more. The body can and does impact on the mind. But the ultimate causes of all mental and spiritual ills are with the mind itself. And once a medical handling is done then the mind should be fixed. And then, finally, the spirit.
In Scientology Man is made up of three components: spirit, mind, and body. All interact. Sometimes professionals from the medical profession are needed before a true mental or spiritual healing can happen. But eventually it comes down to the fact that the mind and spirit are always ultimately responsible for mental and spiritual ills.
Because of this approach, Scientology has opposing forces. There are the obvious fields of mental health practices, which insist on treating the body to bring about a changed condition of the spirit. This is called the medical model of psychiatry. It fails because it treats only the body. And then there are the pharmaceutical companies that profit generously from people being forever mentally ill. Through advertising, this group have a great sway in what media run and report and how they report it. Then there are those who are awake enough to read and watch media, but not trained or intelligent enough to understand facts from fiction. They become alarmed at the spoon fed data by the media and sooner or later join the ranks of opposing forces.
Scientology is in the news. It is opposed. But it has great solutions. It can raise ability, intelligence, and individual freedom. Freedom is what historically has been most opposed. Today Scientology is throwing these chains off from man. This is what Scientology is about. The attacks and controversy about Scientology are only continuing because it grows, and as it does grow the opposition grows. But historically, that opposition will subside. There will be a point of acceptance. There always is. And of course there are many positive non-controversial media stories on Scientology as well.