A Personal Injury Lawyer Can Specialize As a Motorcycle Lawyer
Personal injury lawyers are trained in many different types of personal injury law. Generally a personal injury lawyer will eventually become an expert in one or more of those specific types of injury cases. At that point, after handling many of these cases for many more years, the combined experience can truly assist you or your loved one in recovering the financial recompense you owed from a motorcycle collision.
Experienced drivers know blind spots can be very hazardous when changing lanes in a vehicle. They are usually lethal when changing lanes in a motorcycle. Cruising motorcycle drivers, usually wearing open helmets, cannot hear a motor vehicle in the lane next to them because of the noise. Likewise, those riding sport motorcycles, wearing closed helmets cannot hear most noises, especially when listening to music with headphones or earbuds and their lateral visibility is seriously blocked by the helmet.
These are factors that may add to collisions that occur when motorcycle drivers change lanes without noticing a motor vehicle in their blind spots. Drivers, especially motorcycle drivers, need to turn our heads when changing lanes to make sure there are no motor vehicles in blind spots before attempting to change lanes.
New safety technology available for cars may soon be available for motorcycles. A new safety technology would not only alert motorcycle drivers of motor vehicles in their blind spots, but warn when traveling too fast before upcoming curves.
In recent years, thousands of motorcyclists have been killed and nearly 100,000 were injured in traffic collisions just last year. Reports also show while motorcycles accounted for nearly three percent of all registered vehicles in the United States in 2007, they added less than half a percent to all the vehicle miles traveled in the entire country. On the other hand, the report states, motorcyclists were almost forty times more likely than motor vehicle occupants to get killed per motor vehicle mile traveled. Also, they were nine times more likely to get injured in a motor vehicle collision than those traveling in motor vehicles.
Such statistics are what make these new safety features so essential. While some of the safety features will be part of the motorcycles themselves, others will be enclosed within the motorcyclists' helmets.
According to various reports in the United States, helmets save thousands of lives every year. It similarly states that another thousand lives may have been saved if all motorcycle drivers had been wearing helmets. There is no doubt wearing a helmet is imperative. Wearing a helmet with the new safety technology would be of chief importance. Think about how much safer it would be to wear a helmet that not only protected the motorcycle driver when a collision does happen but additionally, may totally prevent the collision from happening in the first place, by letting the motorcycle rider know there is a motor vehicle within his or her blind spot or that they are approaching an upcoming curve too fast. If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a motorcycle collision, we urge you to contact a law firm with experience handling motorcycle collision cases.
Experienced drivers know blind spots can be very hazardous when changing lanes in a vehicle. They are usually lethal when changing lanes in a motorcycle. Cruising motorcycle drivers, usually wearing open helmets, cannot hear a motor vehicle in the lane next to them because of the noise. Likewise, those riding sport motorcycles, wearing closed helmets cannot hear most noises, especially when listening to music with headphones or earbuds and their lateral visibility is seriously blocked by the helmet.
These are factors that may add to collisions that occur when motorcycle drivers change lanes without noticing a motor vehicle in their blind spots. Drivers, especially motorcycle drivers, need to turn our heads when changing lanes to make sure there are no motor vehicles in blind spots before attempting to change lanes.
New safety technology available for cars may soon be available for motorcycles. A new safety technology would not only alert motorcycle drivers of motor vehicles in their blind spots, but warn when traveling too fast before upcoming curves.
In recent years, thousands of motorcyclists have been killed and nearly 100,000 were injured in traffic collisions just last year. Reports also show while motorcycles accounted for nearly three percent of all registered vehicles in the United States in 2007, they added less than half a percent to all the vehicle miles traveled in the entire country. On the other hand, the report states, motorcyclists were almost forty times more likely than motor vehicle occupants to get killed per motor vehicle mile traveled. Also, they were nine times more likely to get injured in a motor vehicle collision than those traveling in motor vehicles.
Such statistics are what make these new safety features so essential. While some of the safety features will be part of the motorcycles themselves, others will be enclosed within the motorcyclists' helmets.
According to various reports in the United States, helmets save thousands of lives every year. It similarly states that another thousand lives may have been saved if all motorcycle drivers had been wearing helmets. There is no doubt wearing a helmet is imperative. Wearing a helmet with the new safety technology would be of chief importance. Think about how much safer it would be to wear a helmet that not only protected the motorcycle driver when a collision does happen but additionally, may totally prevent the collision from happening in the first place, by letting the motorcycle rider know there is a motor vehicle within his or her blind spot or that they are approaching an upcoming curve too fast. If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a motorcycle collision, we urge you to contact a law firm with experience handling motorcycle collision cases.