Autism Education and Individual Education Program Plans
Individual Education Program Plans (IEPs) are central concerns of special needs education.
The education planning compiled in form of a written plan developed by the schools special education team specifies the student's academic goals and the method to obtain these goals and clarifies the initial educational situation for a student.
Based thereon it defines objectives and measures that contribute to the development of age- and situational appropriate behavior, the buildup of motivation and the development of cognitive and linguistic /communicative, motor and social skills.
The planning links methodological concerns with development-specific support issues.
It provides advice on implementation options in the classroom and for class preparation.
Educational planning emanates from the existing skills and the developing needs of the students.
The support plan identifies responsibilities, includes a scheduling and a flexible processing.
A temporal benchmark is the quarterly update of the individual education plans; shorter review intervals may be needed depending on the individual needs.
The provision of special education support, the selection of the most suitable place to facilitate the support, the developing of educational plans under the given conditions of the learning site and the review of the promotion effects, respectively the persistence of support needs, require a variety of diagnostic surveys and decisions.
The presented guideline for promotion and development plans summarizes the key diagnostic areas and tasks, and binds them into a practical grid.
Initially, a hypothesis-examination process is planned in sequential order and implemented under this goal orientation.
The integration of the analytical findings results in a special educational diagnosis and where necessary in a differential diagnosis as well as - in consideration of support needs - in a broad outlining of possible promotion priorities and procedure.
The supervising special education teacher of the IEP team compiles, based on the present analytical findings, a specific support and development plan for the participants(Classroom and specialist teachers, other professionals, parents), which involves a weighting and ranking of the promoting objectives, as well as a coordination plan.
Specially Designed Instruction, often referred to as 'SDIs', determines what kind of accommodations and modifications the student will be receiving and therefore is an particularly important section of the IEP.
Based on the multi-perspective diagnostic approach, special emphasis is placed on the linkage between learning object related and emotional promotion.
A gradual buildup in accordance with the diagnosed zones of the next development steps is being proposed.
The explicit measurement and evaluation of the promoting impact structures a spiral process that will lead to a renewed support diagnostics and modified promotion planning.
The education planning compiled in form of a written plan developed by the schools special education team specifies the student's academic goals and the method to obtain these goals and clarifies the initial educational situation for a student.
Based thereon it defines objectives and measures that contribute to the development of age- and situational appropriate behavior, the buildup of motivation and the development of cognitive and linguistic /communicative, motor and social skills.
The planning links methodological concerns with development-specific support issues.
It provides advice on implementation options in the classroom and for class preparation.
Educational planning emanates from the existing skills and the developing needs of the students.
The support plan identifies responsibilities, includes a scheduling and a flexible processing.
A temporal benchmark is the quarterly update of the individual education plans; shorter review intervals may be needed depending on the individual needs.
The provision of special education support, the selection of the most suitable place to facilitate the support, the developing of educational plans under the given conditions of the learning site and the review of the promotion effects, respectively the persistence of support needs, require a variety of diagnostic surveys and decisions.
The presented guideline for promotion and development plans summarizes the key diagnostic areas and tasks, and binds them into a practical grid.
Initially, a hypothesis-examination process is planned in sequential order and implemented under this goal orientation.
The integration of the analytical findings results in a special educational diagnosis and where necessary in a differential diagnosis as well as - in consideration of support needs - in a broad outlining of possible promotion priorities and procedure.
The supervising special education teacher of the IEP team compiles, based on the present analytical findings, a specific support and development plan for the participants(Classroom and specialist teachers, other professionals, parents), which involves a weighting and ranking of the promoting objectives, as well as a coordination plan.
Specially Designed Instruction, often referred to as 'SDIs', determines what kind of accommodations and modifications the student will be receiving and therefore is an particularly important section of the IEP.
Based on the multi-perspective diagnostic approach, special emphasis is placed on the linkage between learning object related and emotional promotion.
A gradual buildup in accordance with the diagnosed zones of the next development steps is being proposed.
The explicit measurement and evaluation of the promoting impact structures a spiral process that will lead to a renewed support diagnostics and modified promotion planning.