What Is Allowed When Fasting Before Blood Test?
- A blood test is a procedure in which a thin needle is inserted, usually on the inside of your arm, and blood is "drawn" out through the needle into a syringe. It is one of the routine ways your doctor can determine what may be wrong with you, or to make sure your body is functioning properly.
- Some blood tests will not be accurate if you eat or drink before the test.
- Some of the tests that may require fasting are tests for cholesterol, glucose and iron in the blood. Tests for HIV, hepatitis A or B, and cancer also may require you to fast before having blood drawn.
- You will be asked not to have anything by mouth anywhere from 8 to 12 hours before your test. In this case, some laboratories may allow water, but never food, coffee, tea, alcohol or fruit juice.
- There is not much risk involved in having a blood test, but bruising may occur. If this happens, make sure you apply firm pressure to the site for a few minutes. The other risk is there may be some discomfort at the place where your blood was drawn. These are both temporary conditions that will soon go away.
What is a Blood Test?
Why a Fasting Blood Test?
What Kinds of Blood Tests Require Fasting?
Drinking and Eating Before Your Blood Test
Risks of Blood Tests