How to Hunt Wild Hogs in East Texas
- 1). Obtain a license. Verify the need and cost for a license to hunt wild hogs in East Texas. Attaining a license for hunting gives the permission to harvest wild hogs. The Texas Parks and Wildlife website gives a lot of information with many links to aid the hunter.
- 2). Keep everything clean with no smell. Most people don't realize the need to eliminate odors or smells before they prepare to hunt. Animals rely upon a keen sense of smell. Where the wind blows, the scent follows. If the hogs smell anything not usual to them, they will turn and travel in the opposite direction, which causes the hog hunter to experience a lonely wait with no results.
- 3). Trap the wild hogs with bait. Various forms of bait may be used when hunting. When a wild hog roams around, it scavenges and seeks food. Using a cage and dropping pieces of food on the ground or a feeder draws wild hogs' curiosity.
- 4). Arm yourself with the right weapons. Hog hunting allows flexibility, which means the choice of weapon belongs to the hunter. Various rifles and knives may be used with the preference of type and size for a rifle, depending on the hunter and the distance of the shot being taken while hunting. The use of a bow with arrows require steady but quick reaction for a clean hit. And, believe it or not, dogs have the special ability through training to help the hunter in many ways. The dogs seek, and the hunter takes.
- 5). Ask for help from someone who knows how to hunt wild hogs. Many ranchers offer as much help as needed for those requiring educational training with hog hunting. The opportunity to hunt on another person's land allows hunters to enjoy the spacious outdoors in East Texas with the essentials, meals and fellowship while harvesting the wild hogs.