Hawaii Primary Election Rules
- In Hawaii, both voters and candidates must adhere to strict primary election rulesdirectional vote sign image by Pix by Marti from Fotolia.com
In general, Hawaii's primary election rules are similar to those of most states. However, Hawaii is one of 17 states that have open primaries, meaning that primary election voters can go to the polls and request a ballot for any party, regardless of their own party affiliation. In other states, citizens may vote only in the primary of the party in which they are registered. - The State of Hawaii holds a primary election on the second to last Saturday in September in every even-numbered year. Primary elections must take place at least 45 days before the general election. The candidates who receive the most votes represent their party in the following general or special election. Voters select the candidates of their choice for board of education and county offices using a special nonpartisan ballot.
- All registered voters can vote in Hawaii's primary elections. Voters are eligible to register if they are U.S. citizens, residents of the state and will be 18 years old by election day. Citizens who wish to vote absentee in a primary election must complete and return an application for an absentee ballot to their city or county clerk by a deadline specified for each election. It is also possible to cast an early vote before the primary election by voting "absentee in person" at an absentee walk-in polling place established by the city or county clerk.
- To have their names printed on an official primary election ballot, candidates must first file nomination papers with the chief election officer or with their county by 4:30 p.m. on the 16th calendar day before the primary. Such papers must be signed by a specified number of registered voters. Each candidate must take an oath, administered by a notary public or other authorized public officer, swearing to "support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, and the Constitution and laws of the State of Hawaii" if elected to office. There is also a filing fee, the amount of which varies depending on the office sought. Candidates may be eligible for a discounted filing fee if they agree to abide by the state's voluntary campaign spending limits. Candidates may run as Democrats, Republicans or Libertarians, or they may run as "nonpartisan" candidates. To qualify for elective office, a candidate must be a citizen of the United States, at least 18 years of age and a resident and registered voter in the State of Hawaii.
Primary Election Overview
Rules for Voters
Rules for Candidates