Fancy Ways to Sign Letters
- The way you sign your own name may be a clue to your personality. For example, if you sign the first letter of your name larger than the rest of the letters it shows confidence. Likewise, when you write your name illegibly you may be indicating a lack of confidence. You can add style to your signature by making an effort at being legible and adding some personal touches, such as looping the end of letters.
- You can embellish a signature by using a different writing tool. The fine point of a feather quill will obligate you to use lighter pressure that will help you create a flowing, looping signature. Colored writing instruments are another option that you can use to make a signature pop off the page.
- A series of looped figure eights stemming from the end of your name's last letter beautify a signature. This works especially well if the last letter of your name has a tail, such as "y." Other embellishments can be dots, stars or hearts. For example, the dots on the tops of "i" and "j" can become hearts or spirals.
- Signing a letter vertically is an unconventional surprise that adds originality. You can also sign in the margins or sign your name into a shape to make an impression on the letter's recipient. Unconventional signatures are a nice touch for personal letters, but a straight-forward and strong signature is best for business correspondence.
Signature Style
Writing Tools
Unconventional Signatures