How to Uninstall McAfee to Install Norton
- 1). Access your computer's Control Panel if you are using Windows 2000 or Windows XP. Click the "Start" button in the lower left-hand corner of your desktop. Highlight the "Settings" option with your cursor and click the "Control Panel" button in the menu that appears. Double-click the "Add or Remove Programs" icon in the Control Panel window. Locate the McAfee product that is installed on your computer, and click the "Remove" button. Follow the prompts given to uninstall the software.
- 2). Open your McAfee software if you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7. Click the "Start" button in the bottom left corner of your desktop, and click the "Search" field. Type in "Programs and Features" and click the "Go" button or magnifying glass icon with your mouse. Click the McAfee product you wish to uninstall from the list of results given and click the "Uninstall" button. Follow the instructions given to uninstall the program.
- 3). Open your preferred Web browser and navigate to the McAfee removal tool on the McAfee website using the link in Resources. Click the "Save" button to download the removal tool to your computer. Close any McAfee software that is currently running, and open the folder where you have saved the removal tool after it has been downloaded. Double-click the removal tool, named MCPR.exe, to open it. Windows Vista users need to right-click the file and click "Run as Administrator" in the menu that pops up.
- 4). Restart your computer after the tool has completed the removal of McAfee and displays the "CleanUp Successful" message. With McAfee now be removed, Norton security products can be installed on your computer without interference.