AVE Train vs Flights in Spain - a comparison
The AVE train is one of the quickest and most efficient ways of getting around Spain. In many cases, it's quicker than flying. And it's certainly more environmentally friendly. On this page you will find a comparison of flying in Spain compared with taking an internal flight.
See also:
Madrid to Barcelona by AVE or Flight? A Different Ball Game
Everything below on this page is about routes other than the Madrid to Barcelona route.
If traveling from Madrid to Valencia or from Seville to Madrid, the advice on this page holds true. But if you are traveling on the famous Madrid-Barcelona route, there's actually a rival to the AVE train: the Air Shuttle from Iberia.
Read more about Madrid to Barcelona by Plane or Train?
Advantages of the AVE over flying
- No need to check in an hour before your departure.
- The train station is almost always in the center of the city - airports invariably are not. You therefore can get to your final destination much quicker (unless the airport is your final destination!) See also: AVE vs Flying - Travel Time Comparison
- More environmentally friendly than flying.
- AVE train is more spacious than the plane.
- Last minute tickets by AVE are cheaper than flying. More: AVE vs Flying - Price Comparison
- You get to watch DVDs during the journey on the AVE (as long as you speak Spanish)
Disadvantages of the AVE compared with flying
- If booking in advance, it is cheaper to fly, especially when the airlines have a special offer on.
- Service doesn't yet cover the whole country.
Buying AVE train tickets
Book your tickets in person at the station, from Rail Europe or renfe.es.