Change Printer Setup Between Pages using Delphi"s TPrinter
You cannot change printer property during print document. But you can interrupt print process to change properties and run print again from the necessary line.
Delphi tips navigator:
» Rotate Bitmap (any angle, any center of rotation)
« Set Tab Stops for TMemo
uses Printers; ... procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) ; var F, F2: TextFile; k, j: Integer; begin AssignPrn(F) ; Rewrite(F) ; Writeln(F, RichEdit1.Lines[0]) ; for k:=1 to RichEdit1.Lines.Count-1 do begin if Printer.PageNumber<2 then Writeln(F, RichEdit1.Lines[k]) ; if Printer.PageNumber>1 then begin CloseFile(F) ; Break; end; end; AssignPrn(F2) ; Printer.Orientation:=poLandscape; Rewrite(F2) ; for j:=i to RichEdit1.Lines.Count-1 do Writeln(F2, RichEdit1.Lines[j]) ; CloseFile(F2) ; end;
Delphi tips navigator:
» Rotate Bitmap (any angle, any center of rotation)
« Set Tab Stops for TMemo