Top Rules for Women When Asking a Guy Out
I have met many couples where women did the asking and ended up in happy relationships.
Nevertheless, women still seem to be far behind in asking men for a date.
Despite the aggression displayed by women in their careers, schooling and families, women still shy away from being dating initiators.
However, the younger women are, the more acceptable it is becoming.
Today's modern women are confident, intelligent and independent and many no longer conform to the old fashioned stereo type that men should always ask women out on a date.
Men are attracted to confident women and are thrilled when women share the risk of rejection because it takes some of the stress off them.
When you ask a guy out, flirt.
-Smile, lean towards him, make prolonged eye contact, speak positively, ask him lots of questions about himself and most importantly be a good listener.
In addition, don't sleep with a man on the first date.
Nobody values something that is that easy to get.
Make yourself a challenge.
The top things women should avoid saying when they ask a guy out are: 1.
Avoid simply asking a man "do you want to go out on a date.
"Be creative and find out what his interests are and what type of food he likes so you end up doing something you both enjoy.
Avoidasking a guy out by email or text for the first time because it is simply too impersonal.
Writing a note letting him know what a great time you had in class, at the meeting, etc..
and then asking him in person later is much better.
Avoid asking a guy about his finances because you will appear like a gold digger which will definitely turn him off.
Avoid appearing desperate or too pushy Try to sound as casual as possible.
Some examples are "I have 2 tickets to an event, would you like to join me" or "why don't we meet for coffee or lunch next week?"Be prepared for either a positive or negative response from him.
If he says no, don't worry about it and move on.
You probably made his day by flattering him just by asking him out.
The top tips on how a woman should ask a man out are: 1.
Make sure you ask a guy out in a comfortable location or phone him at an appropriate time.
It's best to ask a guy out in private, not when he is with his friends or business associates.
Ask a guy out for a casual date for the first time such as for coffee or lunch and if that goes well, ask for a second date.
Please note that the person who extends the invitation should always pay unless arrangements are made ahead of time to go dutch.
Don't ask a guy to a movie on the first date.
Choose something where the two of you can learn more about each other through conversation or an activity you both enjoy.
If you ask a guy out and he says yes, make sure you immediately confirm a meeting time and place.
An obvious rule is to not ask out a guy who appears to be with a date and make sure the guy is not married or seeing someone
Nevertheless, women still seem to be far behind in asking men for a date.
Despite the aggression displayed by women in their careers, schooling and families, women still shy away from being dating initiators.
However, the younger women are, the more acceptable it is becoming.
Today's modern women are confident, intelligent and independent and many no longer conform to the old fashioned stereo type that men should always ask women out on a date.
Men are attracted to confident women and are thrilled when women share the risk of rejection because it takes some of the stress off them.
When you ask a guy out, flirt.
-Smile, lean towards him, make prolonged eye contact, speak positively, ask him lots of questions about himself and most importantly be a good listener.
In addition, don't sleep with a man on the first date.
Nobody values something that is that easy to get.
Make yourself a challenge.
The top things women should avoid saying when they ask a guy out are: 1.
Avoid simply asking a man "do you want to go out on a date.
"Be creative and find out what his interests are and what type of food he likes so you end up doing something you both enjoy.
Avoidasking a guy out by email or text for the first time because it is simply too impersonal.
Writing a note letting him know what a great time you had in class, at the meeting, etc..
and then asking him in person later is much better.
Avoid asking a guy about his finances because you will appear like a gold digger which will definitely turn him off.
Avoid appearing desperate or too pushy Try to sound as casual as possible.
Some examples are "I have 2 tickets to an event, would you like to join me" or "why don't we meet for coffee or lunch next week?"Be prepared for either a positive or negative response from him.
If he says no, don't worry about it and move on.
You probably made his day by flattering him just by asking him out.
The top tips on how a woman should ask a man out are: 1.
Make sure you ask a guy out in a comfortable location or phone him at an appropriate time.
It's best to ask a guy out in private, not when he is with his friends or business associates.
Ask a guy out for a casual date for the first time such as for coffee or lunch and if that goes well, ask for a second date.
Please note that the person who extends the invitation should always pay unless arrangements are made ahead of time to go dutch.
Don't ask a guy to a movie on the first date.
Choose something where the two of you can learn more about each other through conversation or an activity you both enjoy.
If you ask a guy out and he says yes, make sure you immediately confirm a meeting time and place.
An obvious rule is to not ask out a guy who appears to be with a date and make sure the guy is not married or seeing someone