Definition: to turn red, to blush
Je rougis quand il me regarde - I blush when he looks at me
Les homards rougissent à la cuisson - Lobsters turn red as they cook
Related: rouge (adj) - red; rougi (adj) - reddened; rougissant (adj) - reddening; le rougissement - reddening
(click the little red + white graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [roo zheer]
Je rougis quand il me regarde - I blush when he looks at me
Les homards rougissent à la cuisson - Lobsters turn red as they cook
Related: rouge (adj) - red; rougi (adj) - reddened; rougissant (adj) - reddening; le rougissement - reddening
(click the little red + white graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [roo zheer]