Pros and Benefits of Breastfeeding an Adopted Newborn
Studies show that breastfeeding provides benefits for the breastfeeding mother as well as to the baby. As an adoptive mother, you can still enjoy these advantages via induced lactation. While it is not an easy process, if you choose to try it, you can look forward to these pros.
- Adoptive breastfeeding offers what is is widely believed to be the best nutrition for babies - breast milk.
The composition of a breastfeeding adoptive mother's breast milk is the same as the biological mother's breast milk the first several days after birth. Continued breastfeeding by adoptive mothers provides the same payoffs as a birth mother breastfeeding: it helps brain growth and may decreases the chances of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
- Adoptive breastfeeding boosts immunity.
Throughout breastfeeding, the mother (adoptive or birth) will pass on antibodies that the baby needs, providing passive immunity to the baby that may help reducs the risk of infections.
Keep in mind that a newborn can only get the colostrum, the "first milk" that provides antibodies to protect a newborn from early bacteria and viruses, from the biological mother within the first few hours after birth. For this reason, birth mothers should be encouraged to nurse their babies right after birth if they feel comfortable. Yes, some may worry that breastfeeding may cause a biological mother to change her mind about placing her baby for adoption. Remember, until the adoption papers are signed the baby belongs to and with the biological mother. She has the right to change her mind and it's best adoption practices if she has the time after birth to really think about the decision before her. - Adoptive breastfeeding is a wonderful way for a new mother and baby to bond.
While there are numerous ways to attach with a baby other than adoptive breastfeeding, breastfeeding is a valid way.
- Breastfeeding is a way for an adoptive mother to feel good about herself.
Adoptive breastfeeding is a way for the adoptive mother to feel that she has used her body to offer good health and nutrition to her baby when her body was not able to provide life. Not to say that an adoptive mother should use breastfeeding as way to pretend that she is the biological mother or to take away the birth mother's role and importance. This line of thinking is not healthy as honesty in adoption is very important to relationships in the future. - Adoptive breastfeeding shows commitment.
Some feel that adoptive breastfeeding shows a strong level of commitment to the child and what is in the child's best interest. While the breastfeeding adoptive mother didn't go through the nine months of pregnancy, adoptive breastfeeding takes a lot of work and time.