Prohormone Reviews
Welcome to my latest prohormone reviews! In Sport Supplement Secrets,I have reviewed and even designed cycles for my members. Prohormones are a safe, legal alternative to anabolic steroids. Over the past few years, more and more, prohormones are being renamed to designer steroids. Anyhow, one product I have used and enjoyed is 1,4 AD BOLD. This product is a derivative of a steroid called equipoise. It is safe, has very little to no side-effects and best of all it is 100% legal. This product could be more on the high priced side being that you will need 3-4 bottles to run a decent cycle. If you are looking to build slow, lean mass over a period of 8-10 weeks, I would highly suggest checking this one out.
My first prohormone cycle came back in 1998-1999, back when andro first hit the market along with the 19 Nor-Andro's. Those were the good ole days. Well I shouldn't say I cycled them, you see back then they were new to the market and sold in every supplement store so I figured hey they must be safe and popped them trained daily while I was stationed in Germany. There was no PCT (post cycle therapy) or anything like that. You see, while prohormones can be taken safely, depending on the product your body can shut down it's own production of testosterone. This is typically noticed after you stop taking the supplement and the cycle has finished. So when this occurs you begin to feel weaker, unmotivated to workout and may even become depressed. Oh, did I mention you could lose all of your gains too? You really feel like crap until your body starts to produce testosterone again. However, that is where PCT comes into play, running PCT after a cycle is nothing more than taking a particular product or products that kick-start your natural testosterone production so you make a smooth transition from your cycle. You'll feel good, and best of all you'll keep more of the gains you received while on cycle. You can learn all about PCT and cycles that work in Sport
My first prohormone cycle came back in 1998-1999, back when andro first hit the market along with the 19 Nor-Andro's. Those were the good ole days. Well I shouldn't say I cycled them, you see back then they were new to the market and sold in every supplement store so I figured hey they must be safe and popped them trained daily while I was stationed in Germany. There was no PCT (post cycle therapy) or anything like that. You see, while prohormones can be taken safely, depending on the product your body can shut down it's own production of testosterone. This is typically noticed after you stop taking the supplement and the cycle has finished. So when this occurs you begin to feel weaker, unmotivated to workout and may even become depressed. Oh, did I mention you could lose all of your gains too? You really feel like crap until your body starts to produce testosterone again. However, that is where PCT comes into play, running PCT after a cycle is nothing more than taking a particular product or products that kick-start your natural testosterone production so you make a smooth transition from your cycle. You'll feel good, and best of all you'll keep more of the gains you received while on cycle. You can learn all about PCT and cycles that work in Sport