Birthday Party Ideas For Kids In Tampa & Zephyrhills, Florida
Darin: Hi, this is Darin Spindler and today I am with Anthony Perrone, CEO of Pin Chasers bowling centers in Tampa and Zephyrhills, Florida. Anthony, today we're going to talk about birthday parties and some of the most common questions that parents have when booking an event with your bowling center. So why don't you go ahead and answer another one of those questions today.
Anthony: Well, Darin, another question that folks have is what age groups do we have birthday parties for. And quite honestly, we have birthday parties for every age group, including adults.
We start them from age four to eight, and we have Bowlopolis birthday parties. They are a theme party around our Bowlopolis character set with Bowlopolis DVDs passed out for every child.
The next age group would be nine to preteen or nine to twelve. They're more entertainment based. We also have parties for the tweenage or predriving age, up until about age fifteen. We do a party that, again, is very entertainment based, very music video based, and each of our locations are able to have music videos to enliven the party.
And then, of course, everything up from there including adults. Adults tell us that our birthday parties are some of the best that they've ever had.
Darin: Well, one of the great things about bowling is it's for everybody. You can have a children's party and Grandma and Grandpa can come along, or you can have a surprise fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth or even eightieth birthday party at one of the bowling centers.
So Anthony, why don't you tell everybody how they can get a little bit more information. Maybe they'd like to see some pricing or some of the other questions that people frequently have about a bowling birthday party.
Anthony: Well, there's three ways to contact us, Darin. They can dial (813) 871-BOWL. They can email us at, or go directly to and hit our Party tab. They will be able to see all the information we have on birthday parties.
Darin: All right, well thanks a lot, Anthony.
Anthony: Thanks, Darin.
Anthony: Well, Darin, another question that folks have is what age groups do we have birthday parties for. And quite honestly, we have birthday parties for every age group, including adults.
We start them from age four to eight, and we have Bowlopolis birthday parties. They are a theme party around our Bowlopolis character set with Bowlopolis DVDs passed out for every child.
The next age group would be nine to preteen or nine to twelve. They're more entertainment based. We also have parties for the tweenage or predriving age, up until about age fifteen. We do a party that, again, is very entertainment based, very music video based, and each of our locations are able to have music videos to enliven the party.
And then, of course, everything up from there including adults. Adults tell us that our birthday parties are some of the best that they've ever had.
Darin: Well, one of the great things about bowling is it's for everybody. You can have a children's party and Grandma and Grandpa can come along, or you can have a surprise fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth or even eightieth birthday party at one of the bowling centers.
So Anthony, why don't you tell everybody how they can get a little bit more information. Maybe they'd like to see some pricing or some of the other questions that people frequently have about a bowling birthday party.
Anthony: Well, there's three ways to contact us, Darin. They can dial (813) 871-BOWL. They can email us at, or go directly to and hit our Party tab. They will be able to see all the information we have on birthday parties.
Darin: All right, well thanks a lot, Anthony.
Anthony: Thanks, Darin.