3 Yeast Infection Home Remedies To Crush Your Yeast Infection Fast
Yeast infections are horrible things that can seriously affect your health if you can't put a stop to them coming back time and again. But you don't need to use drug-based meds with their nasty side effects and cost. Here, you'll discover 3 yeast infection home remedies that will help you beat your infection fast and naturally.
You may have heard that yeast infections are caused by a yeast-like fungus called Candida albicans which exists in our bodies quite naturally. You'll maybe also know that they are normally prevented from causing us any problems because our body's good bacteria keeps the fungus under control to stop it from overgrowing into an infection.
But you may not be aware that the underlying, or root causes are the things that can negatively affect your body's friendly bacteria and help the Candida to grow and spread. The main issues are; reduction in friendly bacteria numbers, high blood-sugar levels, some drug therapy, hormonal imbalances, lowered immune system, and body pH imbalance. Typical triggers for these are; antibiotics overuse, diet, pregnancy, ill-health, stress, obesity, lifestyle issues, contraception, etc.
No doubt you are using, or have used, everyday mainstream treatments of creams, pessaries, gels, sprays, foams, etc. And like many people you may have noticed that your symptoms can vanish over a period of time, but that they come back again, and for many people, time and time again. This is because these treatments are drug-based and really only address the symptoms of infections, not the root cause(s). And the Candida fungus can build-up a resistance to the drugs over time.
That's why so many more sufferers nowadays are realizing the benefits of using natural yeast infection home remedies. In the main, these don't have the nasty side effects of drug-based therapies so they are generally safer, and they are much cheaper too. Here are 3 of the most popular home remedies for yeast out there...
1. Garlic is an ancient home remedy for many things. And it is particularly favorable for yeast infections because of its natural antifungal properties. Eating garlic everyday will help attack the Candida in your gut. For the local symptoms crush a peeled clove of garlic into a smooth paste and apply over the area.
2. Apple cider vinegar is another ancient home remedy that works for yeast infections, this time by rebalancing your body pH which can help to prevent fungal growth. Add 3 teaspoons to a glass of water and drink three times a day to battle the Candida in your gut. Douche the affected area with a mixture of 2 tablespoons of cider in 2 quarts of warm water. But it has to be raw, un-distilled, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar.
3. Plain, unsweetened, natural yogurt with no fruit or coloring, and containing live, active cultures -- Lactobacillus Acidophilus (good bacteria) -- is another effective natural home remedy for yeast infection. Eat yogurt everyday to help build up your good bacteria in the gut. And apply to the local infection too. You can even dip a tampon in it and leave in overnight.
These are 3 top yeast infection home remedies that you can start on right away. But, as you saw above, there are many underlying issues that you need to consider and address in order to truly crush your yeast infection, and prevent recurring infections from damaging your health and you social life. See below...
You may have heard that yeast infections are caused by a yeast-like fungus called Candida albicans which exists in our bodies quite naturally. You'll maybe also know that they are normally prevented from causing us any problems because our body's good bacteria keeps the fungus under control to stop it from overgrowing into an infection.
But you may not be aware that the underlying, or root causes are the things that can negatively affect your body's friendly bacteria and help the Candida to grow and spread. The main issues are; reduction in friendly bacteria numbers, high blood-sugar levels, some drug therapy, hormonal imbalances, lowered immune system, and body pH imbalance. Typical triggers for these are; antibiotics overuse, diet, pregnancy, ill-health, stress, obesity, lifestyle issues, contraception, etc.
No doubt you are using, or have used, everyday mainstream treatments of creams, pessaries, gels, sprays, foams, etc. And like many people you may have noticed that your symptoms can vanish over a period of time, but that they come back again, and for many people, time and time again. This is because these treatments are drug-based and really only address the symptoms of infections, not the root cause(s). And the Candida fungus can build-up a resistance to the drugs over time.
That's why so many more sufferers nowadays are realizing the benefits of using natural yeast infection home remedies. In the main, these don't have the nasty side effects of drug-based therapies so they are generally safer, and they are much cheaper too. Here are 3 of the most popular home remedies for yeast out there...
1. Garlic is an ancient home remedy for many things. And it is particularly favorable for yeast infections because of its natural antifungal properties. Eating garlic everyday will help attack the Candida in your gut. For the local symptoms crush a peeled clove of garlic into a smooth paste and apply over the area.
2. Apple cider vinegar is another ancient home remedy that works for yeast infections, this time by rebalancing your body pH which can help to prevent fungal growth. Add 3 teaspoons to a glass of water and drink three times a day to battle the Candida in your gut. Douche the affected area with a mixture of 2 tablespoons of cider in 2 quarts of warm water. But it has to be raw, un-distilled, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar.
3. Plain, unsweetened, natural yogurt with no fruit or coloring, and containing live, active cultures -- Lactobacillus Acidophilus (good bacteria) -- is another effective natural home remedy for yeast infection. Eat yogurt everyday to help build up your good bacteria in the gut. And apply to the local infection too. You can even dip a tampon in it and leave in overnight.
These are 3 top yeast infection home remedies that you can start on right away. But, as you saw above, there are many underlying issues that you need to consider and address in order to truly crush your yeast infection, and prevent recurring infections from damaging your health and you social life. See below...