How to Reduce Sugar in Baked Goods
- 1). Use a sugar substitute. Sugar substitutes are nothing like what you remember from your childhood. They no longer taste bitter or leave an aftertaste. In fact, some brands taste just like sugar. Best of all, you can bake with these substitutes. They're even convenient because you use the same amount of substitute as you would sugar.
- 2). Sweeten desserts with fruit. Unsweetened applesauce and dried fruits are a good way to add sweetness to baked goods. You can even use purees made with fresh fruit. The sweetness of fruit can completely change a dessert. For example, reduce the sugar in apple pie by adding crushed sweet cherries. You'll never miss the extra sugar and your dessert will be more healthful.
- 3). Cut unnecessary sugar from recipes. Chances are you've had desserts that were simply too sweet. With many recipes, you can reduce the amount of sugar you add without hurting the recipe. The only time this doesn't work is if the sugar adds structure.
- 4). Find new ways to decorate baked goods. Colored sugar may look pretty on cakes and cookies, but it's not needed. You can add food coloring to the frosting or the cookie dough. Another option is to roll cookie dough in sugar-free gelatin or soft drink mix.
- 5). Look for sugar-free ingredients. If your recipe calls for pie filling, use a sugar-free version. The same goes for any other ingredients that may contain sugar. Take time to look around your grocery store. New sugar-free products are being released every day.