The Relationship Between the Police & the Media
- The role of police in American society is often summarized as 'to protect and to serve." Simply put, it is the job of the police to protect the lives, safety and property of citizens in their community. Police officers patrol, investigate offenses, collect evidence and assist prosecutors in bringing offenders to trial. The police are bound to publicly distribute much information, but are also required to keep certain information confidential.
- The "media" is a term used to describe any form of mass communications, typically including television, newspapers, radio, magazines and, more recently, websites. In American society, the role of the media is to keep the public informed, and facilitate the free flow of ideas. This is crucial to democracy because it enables the voting citizens to stay informed. The media seeks to uncover the truth, especially when it is hidden.
- Police and the media are frequently working together to distribute information to the public. In the event of a disaster or an emergency, the police are often a key source of updates and safety information for the media and, through them, members of the public. Police departments can also serve as experts, helping to provide understanding and depth in media coverage of crimes, investigations and prosecutions. Finally, police provide current information to the media on arrests, crimes and trends in each community.
- In spite of their many shared goals, the police and the media still may find themselves at odds. This is because, in every state, the police are obligated by law to withhold, or keep confidential, certain information that the media may wish to report. For example, the identity of children charged with crimes (the age cutoff varies from state to state), the identity and personal information (such as address) of victims and witnesses, medical information and certain details of a crime are strictly confidential in many states. Additionally, the police will often seek to withhold (and are often authorized to withhold) any information that could prejudice the prosecution of an offender.
The Police
The Media
Shared Information
At Odds