Homeschooling Online Courses
Homeschooling online courses are growing more and more popular as technology expands.
Today it is possible to earn a high school diploma while taking all of your classes online or through correspondence courses - most of which all have an online component.
Courses are available for all grade levels, whether you home school your child full-time or part-time.
Some of these courses are so well done, that you don't necessarily have to be homeschooled to benefit.
The key to successful learning comprises of several elements.
The most important thing that a parent must understand is that children, as well as adults, possess particular talents or gifts, which may not always come out in the typical classroom learning environment.
A child who is very verbal, i.
has the gift of speech, should be encouraged to engage in meaningful discussions.
On the other hand, this child may display no interest in spelling or the written mechanics of grammar.
With today's software programs, however, spelling is not as important as it used to be, but good communication skills are needed more than ever.
Additionally, a verbally gifted child usually has the capacity to learn other languages faster than the less verbal child.
For such a gifted child, there are software programs as well as live language instruction online.
Using either one or both can satisfy the child who needs to continually express themselves verbally.
Far better it is for a child to expend his verbal energies by learning a new language, rather than talk about nonsensical things with his cohorts -- just because he needs to expel that energy! This is not to say that peer communication is not necessary or useful for child development, but many children do waste a lot of time talking on their mobile phones.
Choose your homeschooling online courses and other materials thoughtfully, making sure that they fit your school district's standard guidelines, as well as stimulates and encourages your child to learn.
Curriculum development is one of the most important assets that your local school can share with you.
School administrators are required to accommodate you with instructional guidelines and information pertaining to instructional goals, objectives, learning activities, and techniques for evaluation based on grade level.
Although not obligated by law, many public schools will allow parents to borrow appropriate learning materials for their child.
Per New York State law, parents are obligated to complete an Individualized Home Instruction Plan (IHIP), which includes the subjects being taught and the name and author or publisher of the textbook, as well as other additional learning materials that will be used to instruct.
Children who reach the age of six after December 1, must begin a formalized learning program no later than the following September, or when the school term begins.
Homework help is available to students by telephone and online in New York City, sponsored by NYC Public Library System.
The project, Homework NYC, offers three ways to get help with your homework, whether you are homeschooled or not.
Public librarians are available to take homework questions either by phone or by email, but only during specific hours and days.
If a librarian is unavailable or unable to answer a student's question, a student has the option of using the Dial-A-Teacher service or the live whiteboard chat, where he or she can upload homework, draw geometry problems, as well as view online resources together with a NYC teacher in real-time.
Subjects covered by this program are math, science, reading, and writing.
Help is available in the following languages: English, Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, French, German, Italian, and Haitian-Creole.
All teachers who participate with this program are licensed.
There is no cost to register, although connection fees may apply.
If your city does not offer a similar program, your local library should be packed with materials and resources for homeschooling online courses and subject.
There are online databases that can be accessed from the convenience of your home, or anywhere that you have Internet access.
All you need is a library card, and you are set!
Today it is possible to earn a high school diploma while taking all of your classes online or through correspondence courses - most of which all have an online component.
Courses are available for all grade levels, whether you home school your child full-time or part-time.
Some of these courses are so well done, that you don't necessarily have to be homeschooled to benefit.
The key to successful learning comprises of several elements.
The most important thing that a parent must understand is that children, as well as adults, possess particular talents or gifts, which may not always come out in the typical classroom learning environment.
A child who is very verbal, i.
has the gift of speech, should be encouraged to engage in meaningful discussions.
On the other hand, this child may display no interest in spelling or the written mechanics of grammar.
With today's software programs, however, spelling is not as important as it used to be, but good communication skills are needed more than ever.
Additionally, a verbally gifted child usually has the capacity to learn other languages faster than the less verbal child.
For such a gifted child, there are software programs as well as live language instruction online.
Using either one or both can satisfy the child who needs to continually express themselves verbally.
Far better it is for a child to expend his verbal energies by learning a new language, rather than talk about nonsensical things with his cohorts -- just because he needs to expel that energy! This is not to say that peer communication is not necessary or useful for child development, but many children do waste a lot of time talking on their mobile phones.
Choose your homeschooling online courses and other materials thoughtfully, making sure that they fit your school district's standard guidelines, as well as stimulates and encourages your child to learn.
Curriculum development is one of the most important assets that your local school can share with you.
School administrators are required to accommodate you with instructional guidelines and information pertaining to instructional goals, objectives, learning activities, and techniques for evaluation based on grade level.
Although not obligated by law, many public schools will allow parents to borrow appropriate learning materials for their child.
Per New York State law, parents are obligated to complete an Individualized Home Instruction Plan (IHIP), which includes the subjects being taught and the name and author or publisher of the textbook, as well as other additional learning materials that will be used to instruct.
Children who reach the age of six after December 1, must begin a formalized learning program no later than the following September, or when the school term begins.
Homework help is available to students by telephone and online in New York City, sponsored by NYC Public Library System.
The project, Homework NYC, offers three ways to get help with your homework, whether you are homeschooled or not.
Public librarians are available to take homework questions either by phone or by email, but only during specific hours and days.
If a librarian is unavailable or unable to answer a student's question, a student has the option of using the Dial-A-Teacher service or the live whiteboard chat, where he or she can upload homework, draw geometry problems, as well as view online resources together with a NYC teacher in real-time.
Subjects covered by this program are math, science, reading, and writing.
Help is available in the following languages: English, Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, French, German, Italian, and Haitian-Creole.
All teachers who participate with this program are licensed.
There is no cost to register, although connection fees may apply.
If your city does not offer a similar program, your local library should be packed with materials and resources for homeschooling online courses and subject.
There are online databases that can be accessed from the convenience of your home, or anywhere that you have Internet access.
All you need is a library card, and you are set!