BRUXISM - Its Symptoms and Treatment
Bruxism is a symptom which is characterized by the grinding of the teeth and also includes the clenching of the jaw.
It happens to almost everyone at a certain point of point in their lives.
It is an oral parafunctional activity.
Bruxism doesn't cause any health problems, it is quite mild and it is something that people can be happy about as they don't have to face too many health problems.
Bruxism may be a nocturnal activity but it can cause some health issues during deep sleep or can occur in short naps.
They are the most common sleep disorders among the all other symptoms.
They can be annoying as they can create problems while you are asleep and would not let you sleep properly.
They are so common that it is easily available in every household.
At least one person will be definitely suffering from this symptom.
Bruxism has slowly become a habit rather than a reflex chewing activity.
Reflex activities generally happen in response to stimulus and do not involve any brain activity.
Chewing and clenching are those kind of activities which are neuromuscular i.
it must be controlled either by subconscious process or by conscious process with the brain.
When you are having deep sleep sometimes the subconscious process can run unchecked, resulting into bruxism.
Bruxism activities are generally rhythmic i.
they maintain rhythm when they occur.
Like when you are chewing your bite force pulse is 1-10 seconds and while you are clenching your bite force pulse is 1-30 seconds.
According to some doctors, bruxism is generally a sleep disorder or a habitual behavior as they are not something that is inborn; it gradually occurs into people and leads them into this kind of disorder.
It can also cause from any allergic reactions or a mental trauma.
The best way to cure bruxism is to diagnose it early and then consult the doctor as soon as possible so before it gets worse you can come out of it.
You can also wear dental guard as prescribed the doctor.
It is a plastic cover and fitted in the upper and the lower teeth.
It protects the teeth from abrasion and reduces muscle strain by allowing the upper and lower jaw to move easily.
They are generally worn before you go to sleep on a long-term basis so that bruxism doesn't take happen again.
This is the way you should cure bruxism.
It happens to almost everyone at a certain point of point in their lives.
It is an oral parafunctional activity.
Bruxism doesn't cause any health problems, it is quite mild and it is something that people can be happy about as they don't have to face too many health problems.
Bruxism may be a nocturnal activity but it can cause some health issues during deep sleep or can occur in short naps.
They are the most common sleep disorders among the all other symptoms.
They can be annoying as they can create problems while you are asleep and would not let you sleep properly.
They are so common that it is easily available in every household.
At least one person will be definitely suffering from this symptom.
Bruxism has slowly become a habit rather than a reflex chewing activity.
Reflex activities generally happen in response to stimulus and do not involve any brain activity.
Chewing and clenching are those kind of activities which are neuromuscular i.
it must be controlled either by subconscious process or by conscious process with the brain.
When you are having deep sleep sometimes the subconscious process can run unchecked, resulting into bruxism.
Bruxism activities are generally rhythmic i.
they maintain rhythm when they occur.
Like when you are chewing your bite force pulse is 1-10 seconds and while you are clenching your bite force pulse is 1-30 seconds.
According to some doctors, bruxism is generally a sleep disorder or a habitual behavior as they are not something that is inborn; it gradually occurs into people and leads them into this kind of disorder.
It can also cause from any allergic reactions or a mental trauma.
The best way to cure bruxism is to diagnose it early and then consult the doctor as soon as possible so before it gets worse you can come out of it.
You can also wear dental guard as prescribed the doctor.
It is a plastic cover and fitted in the upper and the lower teeth.
It protects the teeth from abrasion and reduces muscle strain by allowing the upper and lower jaw to move easily.
They are generally worn before you go to sleep on a long-term basis so that bruxism doesn't take happen again.
This is the way you should cure bruxism.