How to Create Tulle Church Pew Bows
- 1). Measure an 8-inch section in the center of the cardboard. Mark the beginning and end of the 8-inch section with a pencil.
- 2). Measure and cut a 3 1/2-foot-long piece of tulle from a 6-inch-wide roll. Cut this piece in half lengthwise so you have two pieces that are each 3 inches wide and 40 inches long. Set one piece aside.
- 3). Pin one short end of the tulle to the beginning of the marked line on the cardboard using two of the pins, one at each corner. Pull the tulle gently but tautly to the other end of the marked line and hold it flat. Fold the length of tulle back over itself to the first two pins. Use the remaining two pins to fasten the right end of the tulle to the cardboard, one at each folded corner. This process makes your loops.
- 4). Continue folding the tulle back and forth over itself, lifting the pins and replacing them through the corners with the addition of each folded loop. Make loops until the piece of tulle is completed used.
- 5). Use the second length of tulle to tie the bow. Use your hand to slide it carefully under the pinned loops until the long piece is centered under the pinned piece. Grasp both long ends and tie them tightly into a square knot over the center of the pinned loops. The knot must be tight to keep the loops from slipping or coming undone.
- 6). Remove the pins from the loops. Separate the loops and fluff them individually with your fingers to make a full bow. Drape the two long ends down from the bottom of the bow. Attach to the pews using a piece of matching satin ribbon or pew clips.