Love in the different cultures
Comtemporânian in Chinese language and culture, several terms or words root are used for the "love" concept:
Oh (.) it is used as a verb (for instance, Wo oh ni, "I love" you), or as a noun, especially in aiqing (..), "love" or "Romance." In China since 1949, airen (.., originally "lover", or more literally, "love among people") is the main "spouse" word, (with two meanings for "Woman "and" husband "originally being emphasized) the word had a negative connotation, once he/she stays among many on Taiwan.
Lian (.) is not usually used separately, but as part of terms as being "in the love", (..., tan lian'ai - it also contains 'oh) "Lover" or (.., lianren) "homosexuality (..., tongxinglian)."
Qing (.), commonly meaning "feeling" or "emotion", a lot of times it indicates "love" in several terms. It is contained in the word aiqing (..); qingren (..) is a term for "lover."
In Confucianism, lian is a virtuoso benevolent love. Lian should be pursued by all of the human beings, and reflecte a moral life. The Chinese philosopher Mozi developed the concept deai (.), in reacção to the Confucianism lian. Oh, in Mohism, it is universal love to all the beings, not just for friends and family, without there is reciprocity. Extravagance and offensive they are hostile to the war oh. Although Mozi of the thought was influential, the Confucianism lian is as most of Chinese to conceive love.
G.nqíng (..), the sensation of a relationship. A person will express love for building good g.nqíng, accomplished helping through or to work for other. Affectivity towards another person or of any thing.
Yuanfen (..) is a connection of having linked destinies. A significant relationship is frequently conceived as dependent of strong yuanfen. It is very similar to the casual. A fellow creature conceptualização in English is, "They were made for itself", it "supplies", or I "destine."
Zaolian (Simplificado:., Traditional:., pinyin:z.oliàn), literally, "early love", Contemporary is a term in frequent use of romantic feelings or connections between the children or adolescents. Zaolian describes the relationships so much between a dated teenaged and girlfriend, as well as "squeezing is" adolescence or beginning of the childhood.
The essential concept indicates a faith prevalente in the Chinese contemporary culture that, due to the demands of their studies (especially true for the highly competitive education system of China), the youth should not form romantic enclosures his/her lash to commit their success chances in the future. Reports to have spirit in Chinese newspapers and other means detailing the prevalence of the fenómeno and to his/her perception dangers for the students and the parents' fears.
In the Japanese Buddhism, oh (.) it is to take care of the passionate love, and a fundamental desire. She can develop for any selfishness or self-denial and illumination.
Amae (..), a Japanese word that means "indulgent dependence", makes part of the culture of the exploration infantile-Japan. Japanese mothers wait for hugs and their children's indulgences, and the children are expected to reward the mothers for having caught and serving. Some sociologist s has been suggesting that in the japão the social interactions in the life later are modeled on the feeling mother-child amae.
Greek old
The Greek language distinguishes several senses in that the word love is used. For instance, the old Greek has the expressãophilia, eros, agape, storgeeadidasam. However, with the Greek as it happens with many other languages, it has been historically difficult to separate the meanings of the words totally.
At the same time, the old Greek in texts of the Bible has examples of the verboagapo being used with the same meaning that phileo.
Agape (((polytonic | .....)) agáp.), love In Greek modern, the termos'agaposignificaeu love you The palavraagapoé the verboI love. Usually, he/she refers to a pure one, ideal love type instead of the attraction suggested physical peloeros. However, some exist agapeusada examples to mean the same queeros. He was also translated as "the love of the soul."
Eros (((polytonic | ....)) ér.s) it is passionate love, with the sensual desire AND longings. The word gregaerota means love. Refined Plato his/her own definition. Although eros is initially felt by a person, with the contemplation he/she becomes an appreciation of the beauty inside of that person, or even if it turns appreciation of the own beauty.
Eros helps the soul to remember beauty knowledge, and it contributes to an understanding of the spiritual truth. Lovers and philosophers are all inspired to seek for the truth in the eros. Some translations describe him/it as "the love of the body."
Philia (((polytonic | .....)) philía), a virtuoso passionless love, was a Concept developed by Aristotle. It includes loyalty to their friends, family and community, and it demands force, the equality and the familiarity. Philia is motivated by practical reasons; an or of both parts they benefit of the relationship. It can also mean "the love of the mind."
Storge (((polytonic | ......)) storg.) it is the natural affection, As the one that I felt for parents for children.
Xenia (..... xenía), hospitality, was an extremely important practice in old Greece. It was a friendship almost ritualizada formed among a the owner of the lodging and their customers, that could be ignored or not. The reception and the feeding desdes quarterly for the guest, that was just waited to reward with gratitude. The importance of this can be seen in the whole Greek mythology, in matter HomeroIlíadaeOdisseia.
Old Rome (Latin)
The Latin language has several verbs English correspondent to the word "love."
Amare is the base for the word to the love, like her it is still in Italian today. The Romans use-lo so much in an affectionate sense, as well as in a sense romantic or sexual.
Starting from this verb amans, a lover, would come amator, "lover professional", a lot of times as accessory the notion lover, amicae, 'girlfriend', a lot of times, also to be applied to the eufemisticamente for a prostitute.
The corresponding noun is love, that is also used in the plural to indicate "loves" or "sexual adventures." This same root also produces amicus, 'I become friends', and amicitia, 'friendship' (a lot of times based on the mutual benefit, and sometimes corresponding more closely the "debt" or "influence").
Cícero wrote a treated chamadoOn Friendship (of Amicitia), that discusses the notion with some depth. Ovid wrote a guide for courtship Amatory (The Art of Lovers) chamadoArs, that he/she approaches in depth everything, from subjects extramaritais for the parents' excessive protection.
Complicating a little the image, per times uses Latinaamare however, it is expressed much more usually in Latin by placereoudelectare, That are used more coloquialmente, and the last of the which is used frequently in the love poetry Catullus.
Diligere a lot of times he/she has the notion "of being affectionate of", the esteem", and rarely or it is never used of romantic love. This word would be adapted to describe the two men's friendship.
The noun corresponding diligentia', however, he/she has the "diligence" sense taken care "and he/she has little semantic sobreposição with the verb.
Observare is a synonym for "diligere"; in spite of the cognate with English, this verb and of their substantive correspondents 'observantia' a lot of times to denote "esteem" or "affection."
Caritas is used in Latin translations of the Christian Bible to mean "charitable love." This means, however, that is not found in the pagan classic literature Roman. Like her he/she is born of an another word with a Greek word, there is no corresponding verb.
Comtemporânian in Chinese language and culture, several terms or words root are used for the "love" concept:
Oh (.) it is used as a verb (for instance, Wo oh ni, "I love" you), or as a noun, especially in aiqing (..), "love" or "Romance." In China since 1949, airen (.., originally "lover", or more literally, "love among people") is the main "spouse" word, (with two meanings for "Woman "and" husband "originally being emphasized) the word had a negative connotation, once he/she stays among many on Taiwan.
Lian (.) is not usually used separately, but as part of terms as being "in the love", (..., tan lian'ai - it also contains 'oh) "Lover" or (.., lianren) "homosexuality (..., tongxinglian)."
Qing (.), commonly meaning "feeling" or "emotion", a lot of times it indicates "love" in several terms. It is contained in the word aiqing (..); qingren (..) is a term for "lover."
In Confucianism, lian is a virtuoso benevolent love. Lian should be pursued by all of the human beings, and reflecte a moral life. The Chinese philosopher Mozi developed the concept deai (.), in reacção to the Confucianism lian. Oh, in Mohism, it is universal love to all the beings, not just for friends and family, without there is reciprocity. Extravagance and offensive they are hostile to the war oh. Although Mozi of the thought was influential, the Confucianism lian is as most of Chinese to conceive love.
G.nqíng (..), the sensation of a relationship. A person will express love for building good g.nqíng, accomplished helping through or to work for other. Affectivity towards another person or of any thing.
Yuanfen (..) is a connection of having linked destinies. A significant relationship is frequently conceived as dependent of strong yuanfen. It is very similar to the casual. A fellow creature conceptualização in English is, "They were made for itself", it "supplies", or I "destine."
Zaolian (Simplificado:., Traditional:., pinyin:z.oliàn), literally, "early love", Contemporary is a term in frequent use of romantic feelings or connections between the children or adolescents. Zaolian describes the relationships so much between a dated teenaged and girlfriend, as well as "squeezing is" adolescence or beginning of the childhood.
The essential concept indicates a faith prevalente in the Chinese contemporary culture that, due to the demands of their studies (especially true for the highly competitive education system of China), the youth should not form romantic enclosures his/her lash to commit their success chances in the future. Reports to have spirit in Chinese newspapers and other means detailing the prevalence of the fenómeno and to his/her perception dangers for the students and the parents' fears.
In the Japanese Buddhism, oh (.) it is to take care of the passionate love, and a fundamental desire. She can develop for any selfishness or self-denial and illumination.
Amae (..), a Japanese word that means "indulgent dependence", makes part of the culture of the exploration infantile-Japan. Japanese mothers wait for hugs and their children's indulgences, and the children are expected to reward the mothers for having caught and serving. Some sociologist s has been suggesting that in the japão the social interactions in the life later are modeled on the feeling mother-child amae.
Greek old
The Greek language distinguishes several senses in that the word love is used. For instance, the old Greek has the expressãophilia, eros, agape, storgeeadidasam. However, with the Greek as it happens with many other languages, it has been historically difficult to separate the meanings of the words totally.
At the same time, the old Greek in texts of the Bible has examples of the verboagapo being used with the same meaning that phileo.
Agape (((polytonic | .....)) agáp.), love In Greek modern, the termos'agaposignificaeu love you The palavraagapoé the verboI love. Usually, he/she refers to a pure one, ideal love type instead of the attraction suggested physical peloeros. However, some exist agapeusada examples to mean the same queeros. He was also translated as "the love of the soul."
Eros (((polytonic | ....)) ér.s) it is passionate love, with the sensual desire AND longings. The word gregaerota means love. Refined Plato his/her own definition. Although eros is initially felt by a person, with the contemplation he/she becomes an appreciation of the beauty inside of that person, or even if it turns appreciation of the own beauty.
Eros helps the soul to remember beauty knowledge, and it contributes to an understanding of the spiritual truth. Lovers and philosophers are all inspired to seek for the truth in the eros. Some translations describe him/it as "the love of the body."
Philia (((polytonic | .....)) philía), a virtuoso passionless love, was a Concept developed by Aristotle. It includes loyalty to their friends, family and community, and it demands force, the equality and the familiarity. Philia is motivated by practical reasons; an or of both parts they benefit of the relationship. It can also mean "the love of the mind."
Storge (((polytonic | ......)) storg.) it is the natural affection, As the one that I felt for parents for children.
Xenia (..... xenía), hospitality, was an extremely important practice in old Greece. It was a friendship almost ritualizada formed among a the owner of the lodging and their customers, that could be ignored or not. The reception and the feeding desdes quarterly for the guest, that was just waited to reward with gratitude. The importance of this can be seen in the whole Greek mythology, in matter HomeroIlíadaeOdisseia.
Old Rome (Latin)
The Latin language has several verbs English correspondent to the word "love."
Amare is the base for the word to the love, like her it is still in Italian today. The Romans use-lo so much in an affectionate sense, as well as in a sense romantic or sexual.
Starting from this verb amans, a lover, would come amator, "lover professional", a lot of times as accessory the notion lover, amicae, 'girlfriend', a lot of times, also to be applied to the eufemisticamente for a prostitute.
The corresponding noun is love, that is also used in the plural to indicate "loves" or "sexual adventures." This same root also produces amicus, 'I become friends', and amicitia, 'friendship' (a lot of times based on the mutual benefit, and sometimes corresponding more closely the "debt" or "influence").
Cícero wrote a treated chamadoOn Friendship (of Amicitia), that discusses the notion with some depth. Ovid wrote a guide for courtship Amatory (The Art of Lovers) chamadoArs, that he/she approaches in depth everything, from subjects extramaritais for the parents' excessive protection.
Complicating a little the image, per times uses Latinaamare however, it is expressed much more usually in Latin by placereoudelectare, That are used more coloquialmente, and the last of the which is used frequently in the love poetry Catullus.
Diligere a lot of times he/she has the notion "of being affectionate of", the esteem", and rarely or it is never used of romantic love. This word would be adapted to describe the two men's friendship.
The noun corresponding diligentia', however, he/she has the "diligence" sense taken care "and he/she has little semantic sobreposição with the verb.
Observare is a synonym for "diligere"; in spite of the cognate with English, this verb and of their substantive correspondents 'observantia' a lot of times to denote "esteem" or "affection."
Caritas is used in Latin translations of the Christian Bible to mean "charitable love." This means, however, that is not found in the pagan classic literature Roman. Like her he/she is born of an another word with a Greek word, there is no corresponding verb.