North Dakota
Common Name: Western Meadowlark
Scientific Name: Sturnella neglecta
Year Adopted as State Bird: 1947
Range in State: Statewide in grasslands and fields, summers only
Shared With Other States: Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Oregon, Wyoming
Chosen because of its widespread range and easy familiarity, the western meadowlark is a popular bird in North Dakota, as well as in the five other states that also honor this amazing songster as an official state bird.
The sharp bill, streaked upperparts, yellow underparts and black bib make the western meadowlark easily recognizable even by non-birders, which also makes it a good choice of a state bird.
Photo – Western Meadowlark © Dawn Scranton
Scientific Name: Sturnella neglecta
Year Adopted as State Bird: 1947
Range in State: Statewide in grasslands and fields, summers only
Shared With Other States: Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Oregon, Wyoming
Chosen because of its widespread range and easy familiarity, the western meadowlark is a popular bird in North Dakota, as well as in the five other states that also honor this amazing songster as an official state bird.
The sharp bill, streaked upperparts, yellow underparts and black bib make the western meadowlark easily recognizable even by non-birders, which also makes it a good choice of a state bird.
Photo – Western Meadowlark © Dawn Scranton