Avoid Summer Dangers for Your Dog!
It's April and where I live in Florida and summer for us, is just around the corner.
I realize that in many places, you are living with winter still lingering on.
However, it is not too soon to become aware of your dogs and the dangers that summer can bring.
Beating the heat High temperatures are a very serious threat to dogs; even to those that live in places where it is very hot most of the time.
Nothing upsets me more than on a day, that is almost too hot for humans, some unthinking person (I am really thinking of a much stronger word) brings their dog out during the hottest part of the day.
Expecting it to walk comfortably on the steaming hot sidewalk or road, that a human cannot walk on, barefoot.
Dogs don't sweat - they have to breathe it off.
Taking snub-nosed dogs, such as pugs or bulldogs out during the hottest part of the day can mean sudden death, as they cannot stand extreme heat.
Heatstroke does not take long to develop!That is why you should never leave your dog in the car during the hot summer months.
A car can heat up so swiftly, actually in a matter of a few minutes.
Should your dog develop heat stroke, get him/her to a shady area quickly and soak the dog with cool water (not cold or ice water) regular hose water is best.
Provide if possible a fan to produce a cooling breeze.
Let your dog pant, panting is a dog's air-conditioning system and it does not matter how hard or labored it is.
The panting means your dog is working to remove the heat from its body.
Do all dogs swim? I bet you thought all dogs were born with the knowledge that they could do the "doggy paddle" in water!Nope, dogs were not born as ducks.
They actually have to learn to swim just as we do!Surprised?I was! A dog that has never been in the water and falls into a pool or other body of water can drown if help is not around to save it.
The other thought to keep in mind is if your dog is pool happy and loves to swim in it, but you have never taught it how to get out of the pool on its own, you could be signing its death warrant.
Should your dog decide to go for a swim when you are not around and it cannot get out of the pool on its own, depending on how long you are gone from the pool area, the dog can get over tired and drown simply from exhaustion.
It would be wise to consider a dog ramp for your pool if it does not have steps as a means of getting out.
Dogs and ladders generally do not go together.
Chemicals Dogs have indiscriminate tastes and eating habits, along with an inquisitive nature.
Since they do not have hands with which to examine things, mouths have to suffice.
Pool chemicals, anti-freeze, windshield washer fluid, gardening preparations such as weed killer, fertilizers, poisons all these things need to be kept up off the floor and best to be kept in a cabinet with doors.
Dogs are really nosey creatures and curiosity can sometimes get them into "big trouble" as they can get very sick.
If you spray your lawn with any kind of chemical, be certain to keep the dog off it until it dries completely.
Should your dog get on the lawn, wash its paws with a dish washing detergent such as Dawn.
Fleas and things If you live in Florida as I do, fleas are our constant companion and year-round battle.
However, in many areas, fleas and ticks are a spring and summer plague.
Keeping your areas around the house free of brush and places that are dark and damp will help you get rid of ticks, fleas of course, are another matter.
I personally love the "spot on" flea products and use them all the time.
By doing that I do not worry about fleas in the yard or house.
However, I do realize that many people do not prefer to use them or that the cost is too pricey and need to use other means.
There are many natural products that can be used on your dog and there are some inexpensive products such as diatomaceous earth that can be spread around the yard to help reduce the flea population.
No matter what, do whatever you can afford to keep your dog flea and tick free, it is protecting its health and your pocketbook to do so.
Home repairs What is it about spring that turns our thoughts to home improvement jobs?If your dogs are like those in our family, they have to help.
No job is started or completed without the help of our grand dog, "Miss Sadie," her nose and paws are helping with every job, no matter how big or small.
Caution is advised here because of the things we use in doing our projects.
Turpentine, kerosene, paint thinners and wood strippers are all highly caustic and can be breathed in and get into your pet's lungs.
Keep these things off the floor and out of reach.
Products that expand when released from its container are some other things that should not be in a dog's reach.
A can or plastic container and be opened in a wink with a dog's teeth and should any be consumed, it will expand in the dog's stomach and require surgery.
New Adventures Spring gives us wanderlust and for some reason our pets get the same crazy notion.
It is like the air we breath says "let's find something new to do.
" Now is the time to check around your fence area and fix any loopholes you might find.
Remove piles of "stuff" so that your dog cannot climb on things and mosey over to the other side of the world.
Re-teach everyone to close the gates and be certain they are latched.
More dogs get lost from carelessness than for any other reason.
If you are having a garden party make certain your dog is either secure in the house or that everyone is aware that the gates need to be latched.
Always and I mean always make certain your dog has a collar and identification tags on at all times, a microchip or tattoo is also a great idea.
The welcome warm weather is a time to rejoice and regenerate after a dark and dismal winter, so with a few precautions we can also make it a very safe one for our very favorite furry friends.
Enjoy, have fun and be safe!
I realize that in many places, you are living with winter still lingering on.
However, it is not too soon to become aware of your dogs and the dangers that summer can bring.
Beating the heat High temperatures are a very serious threat to dogs; even to those that live in places where it is very hot most of the time.
Nothing upsets me more than on a day, that is almost too hot for humans, some unthinking person (I am really thinking of a much stronger word) brings their dog out during the hottest part of the day.
Expecting it to walk comfortably on the steaming hot sidewalk or road, that a human cannot walk on, barefoot.
Dogs don't sweat - they have to breathe it off.
Taking snub-nosed dogs, such as pugs or bulldogs out during the hottest part of the day can mean sudden death, as they cannot stand extreme heat.
Heatstroke does not take long to develop!That is why you should never leave your dog in the car during the hot summer months.
A car can heat up so swiftly, actually in a matter of a few minutes.
Should your dog develop heat stroke, get him/her to a shady area quickly and soak the dog with cool water (not cold or ice water) regular hose water is best.
Provide if possible a fan to produce a cooling breeze.
Let your dog pant, panting is a dog's air-conditioning system and it does not matter how hard or labored it is.
The panting means your dog is working to remove the heat from its body.
Do all dogs swim? I bet you thought all dogs were born with the knowledge that they could do the "doggy paddle" in water!Nope, dogs were not born as ducks.
They actually have to learn to swim just as we do!Surprised?I was! A dog that has never been in the water and falls into a pool or other body of water can drown if help is not around to save it.
The other thought to keep in mind is if your dog is pool happy and loves to swim in it, but you have never taught it how to get out of the pool on its own, you could be signing its death warrant.
Should your dog decide to go for a swim when you are not around and it cannot get out of the pool on its own, depending on how long you are gone from the pool area, the dog can get over tired and drown simply from exhaustion.
It would be wise to consider a dog ramp for your pool if it does not have steps as a means of getting out.
Dogs and ladders generally do not go together.
Chemicals Dogs have indiscriminate tastes and eating habits, along with an inquisitive nature.
Since they do not have hands with which to examine things, mouths have to suffice.
Pool chemicals, anti-freeze, windshield washer fluid, gardening preparations such as weed killer, fertilizers, poisons all these things need to be kept up off the floor and best to be kept in a cabinet with doors.
Dogs are really nosey creatures and curiosity can sometimes get them into "big trouble" as they can get very sick.
If you spray your lawn with any kind of chemical, be certain to keep the dog off it until it dries completely.
Should your dog get on the lawn, wash its paws with a dish washing detergent such as Dawn.
Fleas and things If you live in Florida as I do, fleas are our constant companion and year-round battle.
However, in many areas, fleas and ticks are a spring and summer plague.
Keeping your areas around the house free of brush and places that are dark and damp will help you get rid of ticks, fleas of course, are another matter.
I personally love the "spot on" flea products and use them all the time.
By doing that I do not worry about fleas in the yard or house.
However, I do realize that many people do not prefer to use them or that the cost is too pricey and need to use other means.
There are many natural products that can be used on your dog and there are some inexpensive products such as diatomaceous earth that can be spread around the yard to help reduce the flea population.
No matter what, do whatever you can afford to keep your dog flea and tick free, it is protecting its health and your pocketbook to do so.
Home repairs What is it about spring that turns our thoughts to home improvement jobs?If your dogs are like those in our family, they have to help.
No job is started or completed without the help of our grand dog, "Miss Sadie," her nose and paws are helping with every job, no matter how big or small.
Caution is advised here because of the things we use in doing our projects.
Turpentine, kerosene, paint thinners and wood strippers are all highly caustic and can be breathed in and get into your pet's lungs.
Keep these things off the floor and out of reach.
Products that expand when released from its container are some other things that should not be in a dog's reach.
A can or plastic container and be opened in a wink with a dog's teeth and should any be consumed, it will expand in the dog's stomach and require surgery.
New Adventures Spring gives us wanderlust and for some reason our pets get the same crazy notion.
It is like the air we breath says "let's find something new to do.
" Now is the time to check around your fence area and fix any loopholes you might find.
Remove piles of "stuff" so that your dog cannot climb on things and mosey over to the other side of the world.
Re-teach everyone to close the gates and be certain they are latched.
More dogs get lost from carelessness than for any other reason.
If you are having a garden party make certain your dog is either secure in the house or that everyone is aware that the gates need to be latched.
Always and I mean always make certain your dog has a collar and identification tags on at all times, a microchip or tattoo is also a great idea.
The welcome warm weather is a time to rejoice and regenerate after a dark and dismal winter, so with a few precautions we can also make it a very safe one for our very favorite furry friends.
Enjoy, have fun and be safe!