Plants and Herbs That Grow Well Indoors
- A variety of plants and herbs are grown indoor for their looks, smell or taste.amaryllis coup?? image by photlook from
Indoor plants function as decor pieces, air purifiers and air fresheners. Edible indoor plants like herbs are handy for home-cooked meals. Numerous plants and herbs grow well indoors, including a variety of flowers and small shrubs. - Chives grow well indoors.chives image by Lytse from
Chives are light green herbs that resemble their larger cousins, shallots and leeks; however, chives are smaller and look a little like grass. They produce a purple (edible) flower, if not regularly trimmed. Chives grow best in well-drained soil with regular watering; they require little maintenance to produce leaves with a mild onion flavor. Place a pot of chives in a windowsill facing south or east; chives like light, but direct sun is not required. Chopped chives and sour cream are a classic combination for topping baked potatoes, and the herb can be snipped directly into cheese dishes, soups and salads. - Amaryllis require little maintenance and grow well indoors.Amaryllis image by Keith Pinto from
Amaryllis are tall, slender plants that produce one large yellow or pink red flower shaped like a trumpet, six to eight weeks after planting the bulb. Although they are easy to grow and require little attention, a dose of bulb fertilizer at planting time ensures that your amaryllis gets all the nutrients it needs, Use heavy pots for amaryllis plants as they can grow up to 2 feet tall. - Mint makes a great house plant and is readily available for cooking.ginger mint image by hazel proudlove from
Mint is an herb with rounded green leaves and a strong scent. It enjoys full sun and like all house plants it must be turned regularly to prevent the whole pot leaning towards the light. Mint produces tall pink flowers which are picked off to prevent leaves losing their scent. Mint likes plenty of water, but lets you know if it's getting too much by a crop of yellow leaves. Mint is used to make a fresh-tasting and stomach-soothing tea, as a sauce for roasted and broiled lamb dishes and a zesty flavor in salads and drinks. This plant makes a good addition to the kitchen, since its scent keeps flies away. - This herb grows well indoors and is nice to have handy when cooking.Oregano image by conny from
Oregano is a large herb that grows up to 2 feet tall. Set the pot on a wide, sunny windowsill or sun room, and it will fill the area with its sweet scent. Harvest young leaves early in the morning, when the flavor and fragrance is strongest. Use the herb fresh, dry it for later use or freeze it. Add oregano to grilled meats like steaks and burgers, plus pizza, sauces, soups and a variety of Italian and Mediterranean dishes.