How To Stop Creaking Stairs
Creaking stairs are one of the most irritating sounds when you're a homeowner.
There you are, curled up in bed when you hear someone walk past your door and head downstairs.
The stairs creak and you're less than pleased that the sound has woken you from your slumber.
The reason for the creaking stairs stems from the fact there are incorrect nails holding the floor down to the joists.
Not only that, but there might not have been enough of them used when the stairs were initially built.
If it's not the nails that are the problem, the other cause could be the unsupported joists.
What then happens is the fixings start to squeak, and that's why your stairs creak.
So what do you do? How can you stop creaking stairs? It's not as easy as you might think and you're going to need to be a professional DIY enthusiast or get the professionals in.
The advice is to check the joints to make sure there is enough support and that they are firm.
To do this, pull up the carpeting on your stairs carefully so that you can take a good look.
The more careful you are with pulling up the carpet then the easier it will be to lay back down, so don't be too hasty.
Try to locate the creaking area of your stairs and add some large wood screws which will resist pulling out when force is applied.
The better the support then the less chance there is of your creaking stairs returning.
It is also a good idea to drive the screws in at an angle so you get extra support and the wood won't pull away.
It's not always easy to locate the exact area of the creaking stairs, but if you get a few people together to walk over certain areas then you can test it and find out.
If you're still having problems preventing the creak, one piece of advice would be to ask people to avoid stepping on that area if it's right outside your bedroom door, for example.
Also, some heavy-footed people will make the creaking stairs sound worse than it is.
Old stairs in old houses are often a guaranteed cause of creaking stairs.
However, a creak needn't be the bain of your life if you know how to control the situation.
And if you really can't stand it, it might be a good idea to get someone in to look at improving the stairs or having a new set of stairs fitted, as this may be in everyone's best interests.
There you are, curled up in bed when you hear someone walk past your door and head downstairs.
The stairs creak and you're less than pleased that the sound has woken you from your slumber.
The reason for the creaking stairs stems from the fact there are incorrect nails holding the floor down to the joists.
Not only that, but there might not have been enough of them used when the stairs were initially built.
If it's not the nails that are the problem, the other cause could be the unsupported joists.
What then happens is the fixings start to squeak, and that's why your stairs creak.
So what do you do? How can you stop creaking stairs? It's not as easy as you might think and you're going to need to be a professional DIY enthusiast or get the professionals in.
The advice is to check the joints to make sure there is enough support and that they are firm.
To do this, pull up the carpeting on your stairs carefully so that you can take a good look.
The more careful you are with pulling up the carpet then the easier it will be to lay back down, so don't be too hasty.
Try to locate the creaking area of your stairs and add some large wood screws which will resist pulling out when force is applied.
The better the support then the less chance there is of your creaking stairs returning.
It is also a good idea to drive the screws in at an angle so you get extra support and the wood won't pull away.
It's not always easy to locate the exact area of the creaking stairs, but if you get a few people together to walk over certain areas then you can test it and find out.
If you're still having problems preventing the creak, one piece of advice would be to ask people to avoid stepping on that area if it's right outside your bedroom door, for example.
Also, some heavy-footed people will make the creaking stairs sound worse than it is.
Old stairs in old houses are often a guaranteed cause of creaking stairs.
However, a creak needn't be the bain of your life if you know how to control the situation.
And if you really can't stand it, it might be a good idea to get someone in to look at improving the stairs or having a new set of stairs fitted, as this may be in everyone's best interests.