What are the Benefits of an Infrared Heating Pad?
- Infrared energy can help ease pain and restore flexibilty.weathered hands image by robert mobley from Fotolia.com
People suffering from discomfort brought on by tension, pain or illness can look to heating pads as a means of relief. Traditional pads can help soothe pain through heat created from electrical energy. Infrared pads utilize infrared energy to produce heat. This energy can produce a number of benefits for the infrared pad user. - The heat felt from infrared treatments is not direct from the pads. The infrared pads create the same energy as the infrared rays that come from the Sun. Those waves of energy have the ability to penetrate our skin and go deep into the human body. Infrared heating pads can recreate this energy that can delve up to three inches inside our bodies. From there the heat works to help heal our bodies from the inside out. This is opposed to traditional pads which heat from the outside in and can only penetrate the skin by less than half an inch.
This is a natural source of energy that is needed to help grow and survive. Having this heat energy inside our bodies helps with soothing deep tissues and generating blood flow which helps the body to heal itself. It's a process that can help ease discomfort and continues to work after the pads have been used. - Illness or injury can cause poor blood circulation to parts of the body. When this happens, it is harder for the body to heal itself. The inability to heal an area can then cause problems in other parts of the body and lead to an overall weakening of a person's health. By providing soothing heat to these affected parts of the body, the pads invigorate the flow of blood again, allowing the body to begin to heal the affected area.
- This is a particular benefit to the elderly who may find that their bodies have become more rigid due to a loss of suppleness in the muscle fibers and connective tissues, brought on by age and a lack of exercise. By warming the connective tissues in our body the pads help to restore the flexibility in our muscles.
- Standard heating pads can reach high temperatures, up to 130 degrees Fahrenheit, making them uncomfortable on the patient's skin. Infrared pads work in a way that transfers the light energy from the infrared rays into heat energy inside our bodies, so they do not just direct heat onto the surface of our skin. This means they can be worn for longer without irritating the skin.
Penetrating Heat
Stimulating Blood Flow
Help with Flexibility
Easier on the Skin