Stop Hair Shedding and Hair Loss!
Last time more people notice hair falling out, thinning, or appearing in large amounts on their comb or brush.
In this case you need care about your hair more carefully.
Here you can find some original recipes for strengthening of different types of hair.
The mask for light hair.
Mix 1 tablespoon colorless henna with 1 tablespoon of boiling water and add 1 tablespoon clabber, 2 stamped garlic bulbs, 1 teaspoon honey.
Mix everything carefully and add beaten egg and mix again.
Rub prepared mixture into hair roots and cover head with polyethylene and towel above.
In 2 hours wash hair with warm water.
The mask for dark hair.
Mix tobacco from one cigarette with 1/2 glass of strong tea and add 1 tablespoon any henna, 1 tablespoon clabber, a yolk and in 1 teaspoon cocoa, olive oil and vitamin A in oil.
Mix everything carefully and warm on water bath.
Then rub warm mixture into hair roots and cover head with polyethylene and towel above.
Rinse hair with warm water in 2 hours.
Hair extract for dry hair.
Mix in 1 tablespoon rosemary and camomile and pour it with 3/4 glass of vodka in the bottle from dark glass.
Keep extract in the dark place for 2 weeks.
Then filter prepared extract and use twice a week.
Rub extract into head skin with help old soft toothbrush, wetting toothbrush in the extract.
Do not pour extract on the head! You should not wash off the extract.
Balsam for greasy hair.
Mix vegetable oil and lemon juice in equal parts.
Put prepared balsam on the head skin and hair before head washing for 15-20 minutes.
Then wash head as usual.
Rinse hair with herbal infusion.
To prepare herbal infusion, mix in 1 tablespoon sage and camomile and pour it with 1 liter boiling water.
Keep to infuse and then filter.
Universal salt mask.
Wash head and rub into wet hair kitchen salt during 10-15 minutes.
Then wash hair with warm water.
Usually 6 such procedures after head washing are enough to stop hair shedding.
Also you can use another variant of this procedure.
After head washing put salt on the head skin.
Cover head with polyethylene for 15 minutes and then wash hair with warm water.
In this case you need care about your hair more carefully.
Here you can find some original recipes for strengthening of different types of hair.
The mask for light hair.
Mix 1 tablespoon colorless henna with 1 tablespoon of boiling water and add 1 tablespoon clabber, 2 stamped garlic bulbs, 1 teaspoon honey.
Mix everything carefully and add beaten egg and mix again.
Rub prepared mixture into hair roots and cover head with polyethylene and towel above.
In 2 hours wash hair with warm water.
The mask for dark hair.
Mix tobacco from one cigarette with 1/2 glass of strong tea and add 1 tablespoon any henna, 1 tablespoon clabber, a yolk and in 1 teaspoon cocoa, olive oil and vitamin A in oil.
Mix everything carefully and warm on water bath.
Then rub warm mixture into hair roots and cover head with polyethylene and towel above.
Rinse hair with warm water in 2 hours.
Hair extract for dry hair.
Mix in 1 tablespoon rosemary and camomile and pour it with 3/4 glass of vodka in the bottle from dark glass.
Keep extract in the dark place for 2 weeks.
Then filter prepared extract and use twice a week.
Rub extract into head skin with help old soft toothbrush, wetting toothbrush in the extract.
Do not pour extract on the head! You should not wash off the extract.
Balsam for greasy hair.
Mix vegetable oil and lemon juice in equal parts.
Put prepared balsam on the head skin and hair before head washing for 15-20 minutes.
Then wash head as usual.
Rinse hair with herbal infusion.
To prepare herbal infusion, mix in 1 tablespoon sage and camomile and pour it with 1 liter boiling water.
Keep to infuse and then filter.
Universal salt mask.
Wash head and rub into wet hair kitchen salt during 10-15 minutes.
Then wash hair with warm water.
Usually 6 such procedures after head washing are enough to stop hair shedding.
Also you can use another variant of this procedure.
After head washing put salt on the head skin.
Cover head with polyethylene for 15 minutes and then wash hair with warm water.