Beware Of Wind Chill Hazards
Try this stand in a closed room preferably equipped with a thermometer, without switching on the fan. Now turn on the fan. Youll feel slightly colder than before although the room temperature is the same. This is basically what a wind chill is. Now pour some water over a part of your skin and stand near the fan. Youll feel even colder now. This shows how wind chills are heightened due to moisture on skin. This cooling effect experienced by us due to the interplay of temperature and wind is called wind chill.
Canada led the way when it came to developing an index and so far its wind chill index is the most accurate in comparison with those of other countries. How is it communicated? Heres how for instance when Ottawa weather forecast mentions -1o C and subtext says Feels like -7o C, the subtext is actually expressing the extent of wind chill. It is the degree to which our skin will experience the coldness of air.
Importance of Knowing Wind Chill
In simplest ways, it helps people dress up better. More than 4/5th of Canadians are known to regularly check wind chill index in order to dress appropriately and plan their days and activities accordingly. Unless protected from it, wind chill can cause mild discomforts such as numbness of skin and frost nips to severe conditions such as hypothermia and frostbites, even causing fatalities. The elderly, children, sports people, outdoor activists and people with a compromised immune system are generally more prone to be severely affected by it. To successfully avoid or hinder the hazards of wind chills, it is important to be aware of its extent in the first place.
Avoid Wind Chills
At a basic level, its best to get out of the wind and take shelter. Skin should be covered as much as possible. Another common practice is to check the weather conditions and index readings published or announced by weather agencies. Earlier this year in January 2012, local Saskatoon weather updates issued severe wind chill warnings stating they could go as low as -40o C. This combined with a wind speed of about 20km/h can mean frostbite in less than 10 minutes to the skin exposed. Therefore layered clothing is essential
Breathable innermost layer
An insulating second layer
Wind resistant third layer
Head and ears must be covered as 40% heat is lost through head
A woollen scarf for cheeks, chin and neck
Gloves, mittens, socks for hands and feet
Avoid wet clothing
Its important to maintain a healthy level of metabolism to keep generating body heat. Southern cities are at lower wind chill risks for instance Montreal weather is relatively warmer but that shouldnt be taken as an excuse to skip regular exercise, for it still experiences cold winters like the rest of Canada. Medical help must be accessed instantaneously in case of hypothermia or frostbite emergencies.
Canada led the way when it came to developing an index and so far its wind chill index is the most accurate in comparison with those of other countries. How is it communicated? Heres how for instance when Ottawa weather forecast mentions -1o C and subtext says Feels like -7o C, the subtext is actually expressing the extent of wind chill. It is the degree to which our skin will experience the coldness of air.
Importance of Knowing Wind Chill
In simplest ways, it helps people dress up better. More than 4/5th of Canadians are known to regularly check wind chill index in order to dress appropriately and plan their days and activities accordingly. Unless protected from it, wind chill can cause mild discomforts such as numbness of skin and frost nips to severe conditions such as hypothermia and frostbites, even causing fatalities. The elderly, children, sports people, outdoor activists and people with a compromised immune system are generally more prone to be severely affected by it. To successfully avoid or hinder the hazards of wind chills, it is important to be aware of its extent in the first place.
Avoid Wind Chills
At a basic level, its best to get out of the wind and take shelter. Skin should be covered as much as possible. Another common practice is to check the weather conditions and index readings published or announced by weather agencies. Earlier this year in January 2012, local Saskatoon weather updates issued severe wind chill warnings stating they could go as low as -40o C. This combined with a wind speed of about 20km/h can mean frostbite in less than 10 minutes to the skin exposed. Therefore layered clothing is essential
Breathable innermost layer
An insulating second layer
Wind resistant third layer
Head and ears must be covered as 40% heat is lost through head
A woollen scarf for cheeks, chin and neck
Gloves, mittens, socks for hands and feet
Avoid wet clothing
Its important to maintain a healthy level of metabolism to keep generating body heat. Southern cities are at lower wind chill risks for instance Montreal weather is relatively warmer but that shouldnt be taken as an excuse to skip regular exercise, for it still experiences cold winters like the rest of Canada. Medical help must be accessed instantaneously in case of hypothermia or frostbite emergencies.