HYSTERECTOMY! "Doctor, Did You Say, Take it Out?"
One day I had the opportunity to be home watching TV and Dr Oz was talking about hysterectomies.
WOW! Two out of three hysterectomies performed each year are UNNECESSARY! It is estimated by the medical society that there are 600,000 performed each year in the US.
That means 400,000 potentially unnecessary hysterectomies are performed in the US! These are usually surgeries performed to remove fibroids.
But what really hit me was that there are alternatives to this MAJOR surgery, so why aren't women choosing them? All I know is that I'm for alternatives to surgery.
If I can avoid removing organs from inside of me, I'm all for it.
I don't want an empty space that something else can fall into, such as my bladder! (It's been known to happen!) Why not just have a myomectomy which just removes fibroids! They can also shrink fibroids with Lupron, a medication.
Another method is the uterine artery embolization, which cuts off bloods supply to fibroids which causes them to die and then are expelled.
Gee, Girlfriends, lets not run to the scalpel! Get a couple of opinions! This is major surgery after all!! Read about it! Don't succumb so easily.
Let's keep our parts if we can! Twice as many hysterectomies are performed in the US than in England and three to four times as many as in France! Hmmmm, what's with that vast difference? One main difference between the US and Europe is in the mindset of women.
Europeans are more opposed to having hysterectomies and look for alternatives.
They are more inclined to trying the alternatives, taking their time and eliminating other options before ever submitting to the surgery.
After talking to my many girlfriends who have had hysterectomies, their only concern was to get rid of the pain and the bleeding.
The mentality was to "Lets get it over with, I don't want to deal with it any more and if a hysterectomy is what it takes, then lets take the uterus out.
" Could you get the same results by an alternative method? You won't know if you don't try! Girlfriend, THIS IS NOT REVERSIBLE.
You can't grow a new uterus.
That's it.
When it's gone it's GONE! What are the side effects, emotionally, physically, mentally? You need to check this out.
Make sure your doing what's best for you in the long run.
Aren't you worth the extra effort and time to check things out?
WOW! Two out of three hysterectomies performed each year are UNNECESSARY! It is estimated by the medical society that there are 600,000 performed each year in the US.
That means 400,000 potentially unnecessary hysterectomies are performed in the US! These are usually surgeries performed to remove fibroids.
But what really hit me was that there are alternatives to this MAJOR surgery, so why aren't women choosing them? All I know is that I'm for alternatives to surgery.
If I can avoid removing organs from inside of me, I'm all for it.
I don't want an empty space that something else can fall into, such as my bladder! (It's been known to happen!) Why not just have a myomectomy which just removes fibroids! They can also shrink fibroids with Lupron, a medication.
Another method is the uterine artery embolization, which cuts off bloods supply to fibroids which causes them to die and then are expelled.
Gee, Girlfriends, lets not run to the scalpel! Get a couple of opinions! This is major surgery after all!! Read about it! Don't succumb so easily.
Let's keep our parts if we can! Twice as many hysterectomies are performed in the US than in England and three to four times as many as in France! Hmmmm, what's with that vast difference? One main difference between the US and Europe is in the mindset of women.
Europeans are more opposed to having hysterectomies and look for alternatives.
They are more inclined to trying the alternatives, taking their time and eliminating other options before ever submitting to the surgery.
After talking to my many girlfriends who have had hysterectomies, their only concern was to get rid of the pain and the bleeding.
The mentality was to "Lets get it over with, I don't want to deal with it any more and if a hysterectomy is what it takes, then lets take the uterus out.
" Could you get the same results by an alternative method? You won't know if you don't try! Girlfriend, THIS IS NOT REVERSIBLE.
You can't grow a new uterus.
That's it.
When it's gone it's GONE! What are the side effects, emotionally, physically, mentally? You need to check this out.
Make sure your doing what's best for you in the long run.
Aren't you worth the extra effort and time to check things out?